UNMC Front Page

Biobank: an investment in future treatments

New bank is designed to advance research potential.

Jun 15, 2012

Alien abduction or delirium in the ICU?

Nurse-led project aims to reduce cases of delirium in critical care units.

Jun 15, 2012

From left: Brad Matthiessen, respiratory
therapist; Dan Haskin, staff nurse; David
Gannon, M.D., Keith Olsen, Pharm.D., Michele
Balas, Ph.D., and Gregory Peitz, Pharm.D., model
the kind of interdisciplinary communication
needed to keep ICU delirium at bay.

Pharmacy group SHARING the benefits of recent award

Read how a pharmacy faculty member and her students will put money from an award they won to good use in the SHARING Clinic.

Jun 14, 2012

From heart-break to hope: saving babies’ lives

An innovative community program delivers early learning solutions.

Jun 14, 2012

Connections team members want to reduce the infant mortality rate in Douglas County.

Rapid autopsy program powers world-class research team

Read about how a one-of-a-kind rapid autopsy team helps

Jun 12, 2012

Restored vision and hope in Haiti

Watch the video to learn more about how April’s Bike for Sight event helped a UNMC team conduct more than 350 sight-restoring surgeries in Haiti.

Jun 7, 2012

UNMC volunteers set to help at swim trials

Learn about the volunteers from UNMC who will provide care at this month’s U.S. Olympic Swim Trials.

Jun 6, 2012

Dr. Miller and Dr. Batra — a mentorship legacy continues

A mentor cared for Dr. Surinder Batra when he was injured. Helped him learn to drive a nail and a car. And he taught him some pretty amazing science. It’s treatment that Dr. Batra now pays forward.

May 29, 2012

Curing cancer with a pill – Dr. Holyoke’s story

Watch a video to see how a trial drug prescribed at UNMC’s hospital partner cured a med center alumnus’ stomach cancer.

May 24, 2012

Community academy helps mom, daughter find purpose

The UNMC Community Academy helped Marnie Thrasher find her calling as a physician assistant. It helped her mom find a special place, too.

May 22, 2012