UNMC Front Page
A day in the life … Dr. Haorah goes to school
The lengths — both literally and figuratively — that UNMC’s James Haorah, Ph.D., went to to get his education will make your jaw drop.
Sep 21, 2012

Dr. Oestreich hits the road for research
Julie Oestreich, Pharm.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmacy practice in the College of Pharmacy, is in the midst of an investigation, much of which was conducted not in the lab, but on the road.
Sep 20, 2012

Surviving a heart attack — Cecil’s story
It’s hard to think of someone who had a massive heart attack as “lucky.” But Cecil Carroll is a very lucky man. Watch a video to learn about the innovative procedure UNMC physicians used to save Carroll’s life.
Sep 18, 2012

A day in the life … M1 Caleb Baber: Unbroken stride
Hear the story of Caleb Baber, M1, and it’s tough to fight the lump in your throat: How he was shocked with 69,000 volts and almost died; how he spent 59 days in a burn unit and lost both legs just below the knees … and then made a mission trip to India, ran a 5K on prosthetics, went snowboarding, enrolled in the latest med school class at UNMC.
Sep 13, 2012

Kelley Hasenauer — nurse practioner, full practice partner
Read about the novel practice that nurse practitioner Kelley Hasenauer has started with a physician in North Platte.
Sep 10, 2012

Class of 1962 scholarship to support M.D., M.P.H. hopefuls
The College of Medicine Class of 1962 continues its tradition of generosity as it celebrates its 50th reunion.
Sep 6, 2012

‘The Alliance’ in focus — Meet Elise Gahan
Get to know Elise Gahan, a senior from Gretna High School who also is a part of the third UNMC High School Alliance class.
Sep 5, 2012

A day in the life … Speed dating, UNMC style
They wear winning smiles, dress shirts, ties, skirts and pumps. They sit across from one another in a brightly lit room and cram a lifetime of experiences into nine minutes. They are in seach of the perfect match. Career match, that is.
Sep 5, 2012

Oct. 5 Omaha Women’s Health & Wellness Conference to focus on becoming your best
The focus of the conference is to empower women on what they can do now to accomplish the goal of a better, healthier future.
Aug 22, 2012