UNMC Front Page

UNMC rates high in primary care in U.S. News rankings

UNMC remains the sixth-ranked primary care medical program in the United States

Mar 11, 2013

Truhlsen Eye Institute nears completion

In less than two months, the Truhlsen Eye Institute will be completed. Learn when staff move in, when patients will be seen there and a few interesting facts about the building.

Mar 6, 2013

Gilmore Award recipient’s research defies conventional wisdom

Lie Gao, Ph.D., will receive UNMC’s 2013 Joseph. P. Gilmore Distinguished New Investigator Award on Thursday. Learn about his “exciting new finding” that goes against conventional wisdom.

Mar 5, 2013

Coming Events

March 9 Kaleidoscope at La Vista Embassy Suites. March 15 Match Day for fourth-year medical students at 11 a.m. in the Truhlsen Events Center in the Sorrell Center. March 17 The UNMC Ice Rink will close. March 20 Robert Wigton, M.D., associate dean in the College of Medicine and professor of internal medicine, will deliver the final […]

Mar 4, 2013

Childhood obesity expert releases design guidelines for school environments

Since kids spend much of their day at school, obesity experts think school design can impact student health. See how the recommendations of one UNMC expert could become part of the national strategy to reduce childhood obesity.

Mar 1, 2013

UNMC develops library for researchers of staph infections

UNMC has developed a library for researchers of staph infections that has been used by scientists from 85 laboratories and 12 countries.

Feb 28, 2013

UNMC diabetes researcher named to endowed professorship

A UNMC endocrinologist, Cyrus Desouza, M.D., has been named the first recipient of the Ervin and Dorothy Schulz Medical Professorship for Diabetes Research.

Feb 27, 2013

Texting becoming a pain in the neck

Looking downward at hand held devices such as cell phones, mp3 players, e-readers and computer tablets can become a pain in the neck. Learn how to avoid ‘text neck.’

Feb 26, 2013

Sen. Johanns impressed by UNMC visit

Nebraska Sen. Mike Johanns received an overview this week of some of the projects UNMC scientists are working on as part of the University of Nebraska being designated by the Department of Defense as a University Affiliated Research Center.

Feb 21, 2013

UNMC study suggests vitamin D could reduce lung inflammation in asthma, COPD

In the first study of its kind, results of a UNMC research study suggests that vitamin D may be important for humans exposed to agricultural organic dust.

Feb 20, 2013