UNMC Front Page
Scholarship recognizes dental student’s triumph over adversity
Jacob Zitterkopf is one of only nine nationwide – including students from Harvard and Stanford – to receive Horatio Alger Association award.
Sep 26, 2013

Joe Norman, Ph.D., named director of physical therapy program
Professor of physical therapy education brings experience, outstanding record of research to position.
Sep 26, 2013

United Way, Day Four: How do we stack up?
As the campaign nears the end of its first week, here is a department-by-department breakdown of participation.
Sep 26, 2013

Chairman of the Board of Regents visits campus
Regent Timothy Clare says UNMC’s work benefits not only the state, but the country and the world, as well.
Sep 25, 2013

SHARING’s continuity program builds provider-patient relationships
Long-term commitment adds new dimension to volunteer experience for medical students.
Sep 24, 2013

New Pharm.D./MPH dual degree program approved
New track will be offered beginning in the fall of 2014.
Sep 23, 2013

From water skis to physical therapy not a big leap for student
Volunteering in an adaptive waterskiing program led Maggie Tierney to a career helping others.
Sep 19, 2013

Ira Combs is a Champion of Change
The White House will honor UNMC’s Combs at a ceremony this morning. See a live feed at 9 a.m. and watch a video on Combs and his work.
Sep 10, 2013

Prominent UNMC supporter Suzanne Scott remembered
With her husband, Walter Scott Jr., she left an impact on the med center and on the city of Omaha.
Sep 10, 2013

UNMC student enrollment sets record
Eenrollment set a record high with 3,681 students enrolled
Sep 10, 2013