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UNMC Front Page

Geoffrey Talmon, M.D., becomes first holder of the Linder Chair

Pathology residency director plans to expand opportunities for program graduates.

Nov 8, 2013

Geoffrey Talmon, M.D.

UNMC to begin student exchange with South Korean university

New agreement expands reach of the medical center’s Asia Pacific Rim Development Program (APRDP).

Nov 7, 2013

UNMC's Woo-Yang Kim, Ph.D., will serve as a contact person and faculty advisor for the exchange program.

Video: Pilot program puts UNMC on leading edge

What do Ohio State University, the University of Minnesota and Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Ill., all have in common with UNMC? Click on the headline to find out.

Nov 6, 2013

Discover public health at open house Nov. 15

Event will showcase career opportunities in public health.

Nov 4, 2013

Time out with T.O. – A big China fan

Fourth-year medical student enjoys his dermatology rotation in China.

Oct 30, 2013

UNMC student Corey Georgesen, center, meets with Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., and Beverly Maurer while in China.

Nursing lectureship to feature intimate partner violence expert

Will address role of nurses, the science in identifying intimate partner violence.

Oct 30, 2013

Eyeing new discoveries in Shanghai

UNMC’s partnership with Tongji University and Tenth People’s Hospital in Shanghai is aimed at improving understanding of glaucoma.

Oct 29, 2013

Shan Fan, M.D., and Carol Toris, Ph.D., of UNMC, with Tao Guo, M.D., associate professor of ophthalmology, Tenth People's Hospital, Shanghai.

E-Learning submissions highlight wealth of UNMC faculty innovators

UNMC educators respond to the call for innovative e-learning modules and courses.

Oct 28, 2013

Dele Davies, M.D.

College of Nursing to showcase profession at weekend event

Sunday’s activities offer information to those considering a nursing career.

Oct 28, 2013

Sunday's event will explore nursing careers.

Man raising awareness for organ donation stumbles on UNMC

During his cross-country trek, Don Erickson discovered UNMC’s Lied Transplant Center — by accident.

Oct 24, 2013

Rubin Quiros, M.D., (left) and Alan Langnas, D.O. (right), met with Don Erickson.