UNMC Front Page

Search committee formed for internal medicine chair

Carl Smith, M.D., to head search committee.

Feb 19, 2014

Lynell Klassen, M.D.

New UNMC Research Handbook now available online

The resource for investigators, trainees and administrators will continue to evolve.

Feb 18, 2014

Chris Kratochvil, M.D.

UNMC study: Vitamin D provides relief for those with chronic hives

The two-year project looked at the role of over-the-counter vitamin D3.

Feb 17, 2014

Jill Poole, M.D.

Low vision satellite clinic now open in Lincoln

February is Low Vision Awareness Month.

Feb 14, 2014

Low vision patient and Lincoln resident Peggy Campbell uses telescopic glasses when she drives. Campbell was fitted with the specialty glasses and taught how to use them through the Weigel Williamson Center for Visual Rehabilitation at UNMC.

Time out with T.O. – Meeting the chancellor

An insight into UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

Feb 13, 2014

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

UNMC study: Vitamin D provides relief for those with chronic hives

vitamin D could be an add-on therapy for chronic hives

Feb 13, 2014

Jill Poole, M.D.

UNMC experts speak on mental illness at Omaha Community Playhouse

The two presentations will be tied to performances of “Next to Normal,” a Pulitzer Prize-winning play about mental illness.

Feb 12, 2014

Howard Liu, M.D., above, will speak about mental illness following the March 2 performance of "Next to Normal" at the Omaha Community Playhouse.

Video: The HEROES mobile unit – 2013 revisited

A look back at some of the events involving the HEROES Mobile Simulation Unit in 2013.

Feb 11, 2014

A HEROES training session in Norfolk in 2013.

Q&A: Meet UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

New chancellor discusses UNMC, challenges in the health care field and exciting opportunities ahead.

Feb 7, 2014

Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., left, speaks with Jeremy Hosein, Student Senate past president, at a meeting of the Student Senate Wednesday night.