UNMC Front Page

Meet UNMC New Investigator Katherine Jones, Ph.D.

Dr. Jones’ research aims to improve quality of care in hospital settings.

Mar 28, 2014

Katherine Jones, Ph.D.

HALT clinic offers treatment alternatives for women

Olson Center for Women’s Health’s new clinic offers options to hysterectomy.

Mar 28, 2014

Joseph McBride, M.D., division chief of interventional radiology, and Laura Cudzilo, M.D., OB/GYN.

Panel’s focus: Decreasing the donor deficit

Schwartz Center Round focuses on increasing the number of bone marrow donors.

Mar 26, 2014

Ruti Margalit, M.D., will open the session and moderate the panel discussion.

UNMC community strong in support of 2014 SciFest

UNMC-affiliated booths offer a variety of activities for children and families at the event.

Mar 26, 2014

UNMC's College of Public Health took part in the inaugural Nebraska Science Festival with a nutrition booth. The college is one of the UNMC entities returning to the festival in 2014.

New M.S. prepares students for health care studies

A new track in the master’s program offered through the UNMC Department of Genetics, Cell Biology & Anatomy prepares students for health science careers.

Mar 25, 2014

From left, Shantaram Joshi, Ph.D., Graham Sharp, Ph.D., Sarah Keim Janssen, Ph.D., Carol Lomneth, Ph.D., Carrie Elzie, Ph.D., Ryan Splittgerber, Ph.D., Karen Gould, Ph.D., Gordon Todd, Ph.D., Vimla Band, Ph.D. and Andrew Dudley, Ph.D.

Regents recognize Center for Reducing Health Disparities

Director Dejun Su, Ph.D., says the center is poised to build on its research programs.

Mar 24, 2014

Dejun Su, Ph.D.

It’s a match!

UNMC medical students learn their next professional stop at the annual Match Day ceremony.

Mar 24, 2014

Spencer Harrison and Jacqueline Blunck pinpoint their new home during Match Day Friday.

Kim Michael awarded new SAHP professorship

Michael is the inaugural Joseph and Darlene Anderson Distinguished Professor of Imaging Sciences.

Mar 21, 2014

School of Allied Health Professions Senior Associate Dean Kyle Meyer, Ph.D., with Kim Michael, inaugural Joseph and Darlene Anderson Distinguished Professor of Imaging Sciences, and Joseph Anderson, M.D.

Facing Match Day in a flexible frame of mind

Medical student Anna Kolbeck turned to yoga to ease both stress and lingering pain from an old injury.

Mar 20, 2014

Anna Kolbeck worked as a certified yoga instructor during medical school.

Providing support from matriculation to dissertation

Graduate Studies office helps students stay on track.

Mar 19, 2014

From left, Terri Vadovski, Vanessa Wilcox and Cody Phillips