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UNMC Front Page

Registration closes Friday for women’s health conference

UNMC speakers will highlight Oct. 3 event.

Sep 25, 2014

Ally Dering-Anderson, Pharm.D., will be one of the speakers at the Oct. 3 event.

UNMC hosts study on rare movement disorder

More than 50 primary orthostatic tremor (OT) patients are participating.

Sep 25, 2014

Diego Torres-Russotto, M.D.

Virus-free, Dr. Sacra leaves med center

Rick Sacra, M.D., praised his health care team at press conference Thursday morning.

Sep 25, 2014

Rick Sacra, M.D.

Research retreat tackles water issues

Water for Food Institute and UNMC College of Public Health combine to spark ideas.

Sep 24, 2014

Ali Khan, M.D., M.P.H., was one of the hosts of the retreat.

Insights: Teamwork key in caring for a patient with Ebola

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., praises the health care team at the med center treating an American physician with the Ebola virus.

Sep 23, 2014

Emergency department sees millionth patient

Since July 1, med center’s emergency department patient volume has increased about 10 percent.

Sep 22, 2014

Members of the emergency department gather to mark the department's millionth patient since the merger.

New outpatient, surgery clinics announced

Midtown, West Omaha med center campuses will see growth.

Sep 22, 2014

An artist's rendering of the Lauritzen Outpatient Center.

Dental Museum in Lincoln opens for annual display

New items will make this year’s exhibit the largest ever.

Sep 19, 2014

Dental tools of the past will be on display at the UNMC College of Dentistry's annual event.

Program inspires young women to pursue careers in orthopaedics, engineering

Perry Outreach Program applications being accepted from female high school students through Oct. 16

Sep 17, 2014

Med center certified as comprehensive level trauma center

State inspectors cited several strengths following a July visit.

Sep 15, 2014

Paul Schenarts, M.D., UNMC professor of surgery and trauma medical director at The Nebraska Medical Center, with UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.