UNMC Front Page
Remembering Manuchair (Mike) Ebadi, Ph.D.
First chairman of pharmacology was acknowledged as a superlative teacher.
Jan 26, 2015

Research Leadership: Hamid Band, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Band’s research aims to improve therapeutic approaches to diseases such as cancer and autoimmunity.
Jan 26, 2015

UNMC study finds surprise in fight against sepsis
Findings show organ transplant patients fare better than non-transplant patients in battling the infection.
Jan 23, 2015

Meet Distinguished Scientist Pankaj Singh, Ph.D.
Dr. Singh’s research examines metabolic alterations in cancer cells.
Jan 23, 2015

Time out with T.O. – Skating for a purpose
Skate-a-thon proceeds help fund promising Parkinson’s disease research project.
Jan 22, 2015

Meet Distinguished Scientist Santhi Gorantla, Ph.D.
Dr. Gorantla studies translational mouse models to develop therapeutic strategies and vaccines for HIV.
Jan 22, 2015

Meet Distinguished Scientist Philip Smith, M.D.
Dr. Smith is at the national forefront of Ebola treatment, education and research.
Jan 22, 2015

Dr. Smith attends State of the Union
Philip Smith, M.D., was the guest of Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse at President Obama’s Tuesday address.
Jan 21, 2015

ABC’s Robach to be honored as Ambassador of Hope
“Good Morning America” journalist will be the guest of honor at the March 21 gala.
Jan 21, 2015

Meet Distinguished Scientist Yazen Alnouti, Ph.D.
Dr. Alnouti’s research focuses on how drug molecules move inside the body.
Jan 20, 2015