UNMC Front Page

State praises SHARING Clinics as golf event nears

SHARING the Green Golf Tournament on April 17 will be part of state-recognized “SHARING Clinics Week.”

Apr 8, 2015

Drs. Britigan and Khan to attend White House event

Two UNMC deans invited to lend their expertise regarding climate change education.

Apr 8, 2015

New database will aid grant seekers

Feedback sought on the new grant resource library.

Apr 7, 2015


CDC official praises Nebraska Biocontainment Unit

“You should be proud,” he tells med center audience.

Apr 7, 2015

From left, Phil Smith, M.D., professor of internal medicine, division of infectious diseases, and medical director of the Biocontainment Unit, Jordan Tappero, M.D., and Kate Boulter, lead nurse for the Biocontainment Unit.

CDC expert to discuss U.S. response to Ebola

UNMC alum Jordan Tappero, M.D., will speak on campus Monday on “CDC’s Response to Ebola in West Africa.”

Apr 3, 2015

Jordan Tappero, M.D.

Dentistry student researchers make strong showing

A record number of students give presentations at International Association for Dental Research Meeting.

Mar 31, 2015

UNMC College of Dentistry students attend the 93rd Annual International Association for Dental Research Meeting.

UNMC experts to discuss cancer in Nebraska April 3

NET program will air in conjunction with PBS miniseries “Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies,” which premieres tonight.

Mar 30, 2015

From left, host Dennis Kellogg speaks with Renaisa Anthony, M.D., Sarah Thayer, M.D., Ph.D., and Ken Cowan, M.D., Ph.D., at the taping of "Living With Cancer in Nebraska."

Nebraska lawmakers support ID training center

Legislative resolution recommends a national infectious diseases training center be established in Nebraska.

Mar 30, 2015

Rick Sacra, M.D., left, and his wife Debbie, far right, visited the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit Friday, one day after state lawmakers approved a resolution recommending that an infectious disease training center be established in Nebraska

School of Allied Health Professions to become college

Shift to College of Allied Health Professions will occur in July.

Mar 27, 2015

Assistant professor Stephane VanderMeulen and students from the School of Allied Health Professions.

Biocontainment Unit anniversary celebration today

Event will be held at 2 p.m. at the Truhlsen Campus Events Center, located on the first floor of the Sorrell Center.

Mar 27, 2015