UNMC Front Page

Under the microscope: Primary care nurses in rural Nebraska

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., talks with Lynne Buchanan, Ph.D., program director in UNMC’s College of Nursing and principal investigator of a new $1.2 million grant.

Aug 16, 2017

Dental care provided to Special Olympics athletes

College of Dentistry faculty, staff and students provide expertise as part of health initiative.

Aug 11, 2017

Darlene Carritt, instructor in the department of dental hygiene (left) and Jennifer Kallio, D.D.S., assistant professor in the department of adult restorative dentistry, conduct an oral health screening on a Special Olympics Nebraska athlete. Photo by Margaret Cain.

Smartphone device could revolutionize ophthalmology teaching

Inexpensive device attaches to smartphones and may help detect eye problems.

Aug 8, 2017

Liana Morales, a student in the UNMC Summer Undergraduate Research Program, does an eye exam using the smartphone camera attachment on Barrett Kumke, while pediatric ophthalmologist Donny Suh, M.D., oversees the procedure.

College of Public Health reaccredited

Council of Education for Public Health gives college the maximum period of renewal.

Aug 7, 2017

Ali S. Khan, M.D., M.P.H., dean of the College of Public Health

‘Farmer’s market’ at MMI supports transitional services

Merchandise for sale included upcycled items, herb window boxes and produce.

Aug 4, 2017

MMI staff, including interpreter Ann Goering, center, turned out to support the event.

Dr. Hyde nets St. Baldrick’s grant for AML research

R. Katherine Hyde, Ph.D., among 90 researchers nationwide to receive a grant from the foundation.

Aug 1, 2017

Kate Hyde, Ph.D.

Study aims to improve pancreatic cancer therapies

Pankaj Singh, Ph.D., is corresponding author of a study in July’s prestigious ‘Cancer Cell’ journal.

Jul 26, 2017

Pankaj Singh, Ph.D.

Gov. Ricketts joins bike ride to raise awareness for pediatric mental health

Break the Cycle event on July 29-30 will cover 150 miles on Omaha bike trails.

Jul 21, 2017

Gov. Pete Ricketts, who has participated in bike rides for worthy causes in the past, will join in the Break the Cycle ride with area health professionals and community leaders.

Summer students learn practical side of public health

College of Public Health alum hosts group at Douglas County Health Department.

Jul 19, 2017

From left, SURP students Alegra Mendez, Alyssa Duval and Alexia Garcia talk with Justin Frederick, second from left, about public health careers.

United Way grant helps overcome educational barriers

Academic Evaluation and Intervention Clinic and Parent Training Program will help youth with intellectual disabilities make progress toward their academic goals.

Jul 18, 2017

Sara Kupzyk, Ph.D.
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