UNMC Front Page

Joe Evans, Ph.D., receives IDEA Award

University-wide award recognizes faculty members who have extended their academic expertise beyond the boundaries of the university in ways that have enriched the broader community.

Apr 4, 2018

Joe Evans, Ph.D.

Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy receives UDTA

University-wide Departmental Teaching Award awarded to UNMC faculty for educational excellence.

Apr 3, 2018

The faculty of the UNMC Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy gather to celebrate the department's 2018 University-Wide Departmental Teaching Award. Department chair Vimla Band, Ph.D., is in red in the front row; seated at her left is Karen Gould, Ph.D., department vice chair of graduate education, and at her right is Kim Latacha, Ph.D., department vice chair of medical education.

Kari Simonsen, M.D., to lead Office of Faculty Affairs

New faculty affairs office will support faculty vitality and success.

Apr 2, 2018

Kari Simonsen, M.D.

Dr. Smith named chief academic officer for Nebraska Medicine

Carl Smith, M.D., will represent UNMC’s employed academic physician practice, as well as its research and education components.

Mar 30, 2018

Carl Smith, M.D.

Study will use smartphones to monitor patients at risk for heart disease

Residents in rural Southeast Nebraska will participate.

Mar 30, 2018

From left: Gayle Keller, David Borg, M.D., and Justine Wetengaard, M.D., all with the Family Medicine Clinic; Christyne Pokorny, Community Medical Center; Amanda Drier, Southeast District Health Department; Paula Schulz, Ph.D.; Patrik Johansson, M.D.; Grant Brueggeman and Kevin Cluskey, both of Southeast District Health Department; and Sandra Catlin, Family Medicine Clinic.

UNMC oncologist co-authors paper on nuclear terrorism

Article appears in today’s issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Mar 29, 2018

James Armitage, M.D.

Improving care for rural breast cancer patients under 50

Quality improvement project will address issues specific to younger patients newly diagnosed with breast cancer.

Mar 20, 2018

Elizabeth Reed, M.D.

Match Day a family affair

This year’s medical class has an estimated 50 to 60 children.

Mar 20, 2018

From left, Kaylee and Shannon Haines, M.D. Dr. Haines matched in pediatrics at UNMC.

UNMC, Children’s team on neonatal-pediatric genome sequencing trial

Study will evaluate whether the clinical management of acutely ill newborns suspected for having a genetic condition is altered with clinical whole-genome sequencing.

Mar 13, 2018

From left, Mohan Mysore, M.D., division chief of pediatric intensive care at Children's and UNMC, and Luca Brunelli, M.D., Ph.D., neonatologist at Children's Hospital & Medical Center and an associate professor of pediatrics-neonatology and genetics, cell biology and anatomy in the UNMC College of Medicine

Students from across state to attend med center conference

Health Occupation Students of America Conference will be hosted by UNMC and Nebraska Medicine.

Mar 12, 2018

Students at a previous HOSA conference at the med center examine the anatomage table.