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Press Release

Former dean of UNMC College of Dentistry dies at age 83

Stephen Leeper, D.D.S., served as dean from 1988-2000

Aug 2, 2019

Stephen Leeper, D.D.S.

Former UNMC College of Dentistry faculty member dies at age 75

An expert in endodontics, Tom Gound, D.D.S., was involved in several organizations 

Aug 2, 2019

Tom Gound, D.D.S.

Omaha startup company receives $750,000 matching federal grant

Project will form university/community partnership to develop medical device pipeline

Aug 1, 2019

Rod Markin, M.D., Ph.D. (left), and Joe Runge head the leadership team for UNeTech.

UNMC to hold graduation ceremony for 12 Step-Up participants

Several speakers including Willie Barney will present at July 31 event

Jul 24, 2019

Step-Up interns at UNMC are joined by program coordinator Evelyn Grixby (fifth from left) and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Aileen Warren (second from right).

UNMC receives $3.7 million grant to address shortage of geriatricians

By 2025, an estimated deficit of 27,000 geriatricians will affect baby boomers

Jul 22, 2019

Jane Potter, M.D.

UNMC, UNO leaders to visit McCook, Gothenburg, Holdrege July 30-31

Visits to include discussing efforts to increase health care workforce.

Jul 16, 2019

UNMC research team makes ophthalmology breakthrough

Discovery could have major impact on future research on variety of eye, brain diseases

Jul 15, 2019

The three lead researchers for UNMC were (left-right) Channabasavaiah (Guru) Gurumurthy, Ph.D., Justin Grassmeyer, Ph.D., and Wallace Thoreson, Ph.D.

UNMC psychiatrist connects with U.S. surgeon general at AMA meeting

Alëna Balasanova, M.D., gets destigmatizing language resolution passed

Jul 12, 2019

Vice Admiral Jerome Adams, M.D. (left), the U.S. surgeon general, with Alëna Balasanova, M.D., of UNMC.

Vaping is topic of Omaha Science Cafe

Physician assistant, Jill Selzle is featured speaker on July 23.

Jul 11, 2019

Jill Selzle

UNMC’s Susan Swindells, M.B.B.S., leads international TB prevention trial

Study looks at preventing TB in those who live with someone with drug-resistant TB

Jul 10, 2019