Press Release
The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing has selected Patricia Trausch, as its 1999 recipient of the Rosalee C. Yeaworth Teaching Excellence Award. Trausch teaches acute care nursing at the UNMC College of Nursing Kearney Division. Thirty-eight nominations were received for this years award. Criteria for the award includes inspiring students, creating a […]
Aug 19, 1999
UNMC College of Dentistry Freshman Class Ranks No. 1 in Grade Point Average
The freshman class at the University of Nebraska Medical Centers College of Dentistry has a habit of attracting top students. For the third-straight year and fifth of the past six, the colleges freshman class has ranked first among the 55 U.S. dental schools for incoming grade-point average. The colleges admissions committee places strong emphasis on […]
Aug 11, 1999
UNMC Chancellor Receives Award from Lincoln Medical Education Foundation, Inc.
Harold M. Maurer, M.D., chancellor of the University of Nebraska Medical Center, has been honored by the Lincoln Medical Education Foundation, Inc. for his accomplishments in promoting medical education. The foundation presented Dr. Maurer with the John C. Finegan Award, named after the organizations first Family Practice Program director. Dale Gruntorad, foundation president, said he […]
Aug 9, 1999
Eight junior high and high school students from Omaha have completed a six-week summer program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center designed to give the students practical health care information and perhaps inspire them to pursue a future health care career. The students, all African-Americans, spent three full days a week at UNMC and […]
Aug 3, 1999
A leading international authority in nose and sinus problems, Donald A. Leopold, M.D., has been named professor and chairman of the University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Leopold’s appointment was effective Aug. 1. He joins UNMC after serving as chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology – Head […]
Aug 2, 1999
Northeast Community College LPN Students Tour University of Nebraska Medical Center
A group of 21 students and instructors from the LPN program at Northwest Community College in Norfolk recently toured the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. While on campus, the group received an in-depth tour, which details several key UNMC programs and services such as organ transplantation, eating disorders and clinical perfusion. The UNMC […]
Jul 30, 1999
Fifty-eight UNMC College of Pharmacy Students Make Deans List
Fifty-eight students from the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy in Omaha, were named to the dean’s list for the 1997 fall semester. To qualify for the dean’s list, students must place in the top 20 percent of their class and maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or above. Qualifiers are listed […]
Jul 29, 1999
UNMC College of Pharmacy Alumni Association Presents Distinguished Alumnus Awards to Six Individuals
The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy Alumni Association has recognized six outstanding alumni with its Distinguished Alumnus Award. The six recipients are listed below with their graduating class: Ted Hustead, founder and owner, Wall Drug, Wall, S.D., 1929; Lewis Harris, chairman emeritus, MDS Harris, Lincoln, 1932; Melvin Gibson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of […]
Jul 29, 1999
The 2000 Cattlemen’s Ball will be held Saturday, June 3 near Arthur, Neb. on the world famous Haythorn Ranch. Hosts will be Waldo and Beldora Haythorn, Craig and Jody Haythorn and Sally and Bob Mayden. The Haythorn Ranch, which is located about 20 miles north of Ogallala, is world renowned as the single largest producer […]
Jul 28, 1999
Nebraska High School Honor Students Attend UNMC Health Career Workshop
Eighteen Nebraska high school students participated in the University of Nebraska Medical Center one-week Summer Health Professions Career Workshop July 19-23 in Omaha. The goal of the workshop is to encourage young Nebraskans to pursue a career in the health professions with the hope that they may someday practice health care in rural Nebraska where […]
Jul 28, 1999