Press Release

Results Announced at National Meeting in Boston:

UNMC Researchers Determine Combination Drug Therapy Still Most Effective Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis A research study conducted by the University of Nebraska Medical Center and involving 44 rheumatologists in six states has determined that a combination of three drugs is still a very effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. The results of the study were announced […]

Nov 23, 1999

Joe Sisson, M.D., Named Interim Chair of the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine

Joe Sisson, M.D., has been named interim chair of the University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Internal Medicine. The appointment, effective Jan. 1, was announced today by James Linder, M.D., interim dean of the UNMC College of Medicine. “Dr. Sisson has had a tremendous impact on the College of Medicine through his teaching, clinical […]

Nov 23, 1999

UNMC, Nebraska Department of HHS to Hold Statewide Training Series for Clinics Participating in Every Woman Matters Program

The University of Nebraska Medical Center and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services will sponsor training sessions for nurses and staff from 475 clinics around the state offering breast and cervical cancer screenings through the HHS Every Woman Matters program. Nearly 700 health professionals have enrolled for the free sessions which are being […]

Nov 12, 1999

UNMC College of Nursing Lincoln Division Students, Faculty Open Free Health Promotion, Education Clinic for Older Adults

Nursing students and faculty from the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Lincoln Division have opened a free clinic in Lincoln that provides health promotion services for older adults and experience for nursing students in a community setting. Services are targeted toward older adults with limited incomes, but is open to any older […]

Nov 9, 1999

Donation From Nebraska Lions Club Helps Fund Hearing and Balance Center at UNMC

Thanks to a $35,000 donation from the Nebraska Lions Club, the University of Nebraska Medical Center has been able to purchase new diagnostic equipment for the Hearing and Balance Center in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. The clinic sees hundreds of patients a year for problems such as hearing loss due to the […]

Nov 4, 1999

UNMC Joins International Study of Gene Therapy for Ovarian Cancer

More than $17 Million Awarded in Research Grants to UNMC There are more than 27,000 new cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed in America each year and 13,000 of those cases prove to be terminal.   Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other reproductive organ cancer.  The chances of survival are better if this cancer is […]

Nov 4, 1999

Jon S. Thompson,  M.D. Appointed Chief of General Surgery at UNMC

Jon S. Thompson, M.D., has been named Chief of General Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.  With 13 surgeons, the section of  General Surgery includes the disciplines of vascular surgery, general abdominal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, trauma surgery, critical care and oncological surgery. Dr. Thompson joined UNMC as an […]

Nov 4, 1999

UNMC Eye Researcher, Wallace Thoreson, Ph.D., Receives $180,000 Grant

University of Nebraska Medical Center eye researcher, Wallace Thoreson, Ph.D., associate professor of ophthalmology and pharmacology, has received a $180,000 Career Development Award from Research to Prevent Blindness. The grant, provided over a four-year period, is awarded to attract university scientists and physicians to eye research. Research to Prevent Blindness is the world’s leading voluntary […]

Nov 3, 1999

UNMC Professor, Jorge Rodriguez-Sierra, Ph.D., Named to University Panel

University of Nebraska President L. Dennis Smith, Ph.D., has named Jorge F. Rodriguez-Sierra, Ph.D., professor of cell biology and anatomy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, to join 22 other Nebraskans on a task force panel which will determine criteria by which academic programs on the four campuses will be evaluated and prioritized. The […]

Nov 3, 1999

Has International Reputation for Work with Mothers, Young Children

Dyanne Affonso, Ph.D. Named to Dorothy Hodges Olson Endowed Chair At UNMC College of Nursing Dyanne Affonso, Ph.D. has joined the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing as the first Dorothy Hodges Olson Endowed Chair. Dr. Affonso, who has an international reputation for her work with mothers and their young children, has served […]

Nov 2, 1999