Press Release

Interactive Guide Helps Smokers Assess Multiple Options

UNMC Anti-Smoking CD-ROM Offers New Hope for an Old Problem New Years resolutions come and go and probably none more so than the annual vows by millions of smokers to finally kick the habit.  But this year, there is a new weapon to help smokers successfully end their relationship with tobacco.  Its called Guide to […]

Jan 3, 2000

Results Featured in New England Journal of Medicine

UNMC Researcher Participates in Landmark Study on Domestic Violence UNMC researcher Robert Muelleman, M.D., was one of the investigators in a landmark study on domestic violence that appeared in the Dec. 16 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine. The article, which marked one of the rare times the journal has devoted space to […]

Jan 3, 2000

UNMC Receives $165,000 Grant to Help Teenagers Quit Smoking

The University of Nebraska Medical Center has received a three-year, $165,000 grant from the Heartland Division of the American Cancer Society for a program that will focus on reducing the number of teen smokers. The idea evolved from a series of focus groups with high school students. The society reports that 90 percent of new […]

Dec 20, 1999

UNMC Transplant Surgeon Inducted as Fellow in the American College of Surgeons

Debra Sudan, M.D., assistant professor of surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Health System transplant surgeon, was among 1,491 surgeons around the world who were inducted as fellows in the American College of Surgeons at the colleges 85th Annual Clinical Congress held recently in San Francisco. With 57,000 members, the American […]

Dec 16, 1999

UNMC College of Nursing Offers Education for Consumers, Families on Major Depression, Schizophrenia, Manic-depressive Illnesses

The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing will offer a course titled, Recovering from Psychosis: A Wellness Approach. The course is for those with major depression, schizophrenia, manic-depressive illnesses, their family, friends and health care professionals. The course will run from 6:15 to 9:15 p.m. on 12 consecutive Tuesdays, beginning Feb. 1 through […]

Dec 15, 1999

UNMC College of Nursing Receives 10-year Accreditation Through New Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education

The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing has received a 10-year accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. UNMC was one of the first nursing colleges in the country to seek accreditation through the newly created commission which ensures the quality and integrity of nursing institutions with bachelors and masters degree programs. […]

Dec 15, 1999

227 UNMC Students To Receive Diplomas In Kearney, Omaha and Scottsbluff at Commencements

Diplomas will be conferred on 227 University of Nebraska Medical Center students this week during commencement ceremonies in Kearney, Omaha and Scottsbluff. On Thursday, December 16 at 7 p.m., the Medical Center will hold the winter commencement exercises in the Fine Arts Recital Hall on the Kearney campus. At this time, approximately 22 graduates of […]

Dec 14, 1999

Comes from University of Iowa; Will Assume Post This Spring:

John Reinhardt, D.D.S., Named New Dean of UNMC College of Dentistry John Reinhardt, D.D.S., a longtime faculty member and department chair at the University of  Iowa, has been named dean of the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry. The announcement, which is subject to approval of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents, […]

Dec 8, 1999

UNMC Faculty Senate Passes Resolution Supporting Fetal Tissue Research at UNMC

  The UNMC Faculty Senate requires that a resolution receives a 67 percent approval vote before it can be passed. Support for the following resolution, which was approved on Monday, Dec. 6, exceeded the necessary approval. WHEREAS, the University of Nebraska Medical Center has as a major goal the improvement of the health of Nebraskans; […]

Dec 8, 1999

Largest Medical Meeting in the World with More Than 60,000 Attendees:

UNMC Physician Makes Key Presentation on Liver Cell Infusion at Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America A University of Nebraska Medical Center radiologist, William Culp, M.D., made a major presentation on liver cell transplantation at the 85th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.  The meeting, which was […]

Dec 3, 1999