Press Release

UNMC/NHS Names Two to New Positions Section Chief of Nephrology, Medical Director of Dialysis Program

Two faculty members at the University of Nebraska Medical Center recently were named to new positions. Gerald Groggel, M.D., associate professor in the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine, has been named section chief of nephrology. Nephrology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of the kidney. Michael Hammeke, M.D., an associate professor in the UNMC Department […]

Mar 26, 2001

UNMC Faculty, Students, Staff Receive Awards at Professionals’ Day

University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry students, faculty and staff received honors and awards during the colleges 15th Annual Professionals Day on Friday, March 16. The event celebrates scholarly activities and provides students, faculty and the dental community an opportunity to share professional and academic activities. Student Honors Thirty-nine students were recognized for […]

Mar 23, 2001

117 UNMC Medical Students Receive Residency Training Assignments Through Match Day Program

A total of 117 senior medical school students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Medicine have received their residency assignments through the National Senior Match Day program. Senior Match Day is an annual event held at the exact same time at UNMC and other U.S. medical schools.  Residencies generally last from three […]

Mar 23, 2001

Pierre Fayad, M.D., will start April 1:

Stroke Expert from Yale University Named Chairman of UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences Pierre Fayad, M.D., an expert in stroke and neurovascular disease at Yale University, has been named Reynolds Centennial Professor and Chairman of the University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Neurological Sciences. The appointment, which is effective April 1, is subject to […]

Mar 23, 2001

There are shortages of mental health practitioners in 87 of Nebraska’s 93 counties

Munroe-Meyer Institute Responds to Pediatric Mental Health Needs in Rural Nebraska If two adolescents in Nebraska are having mental health-related problems — for example, behavior disorders, anxiety disorders, adolescent depression, attention deficit disorders — and one youth is from Omaha, while the other from Greater Nebraska, which youth has the greater access to the professional […]

Mar 22, 2001

UNMC Medical Technology Division is University-wide Department of the Year

Virtually every conceivable bodily fluid or substance sent to a laboratory for analysis will be processed by a medical technologist.  Whether looking for the AIDS virus, leukemia, blood type for a simple transfusion or tissue match for a transplant, the med techs run the tests, analyze the data and hover over the microscopes trying to […]

Mar 21, 2001

Robotic Surgery at UNMC

UNMC/NHS Receives Approval to Begin Performing Computer-Assisted Chest Surgery Using da Vinci Surgical System The University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Health System will begin performing some chest surgeries using its computerized da Vinci Surgical System. Earlier this month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of Intuitive Surgical, Inc.s da […]

Mar 19, 2001

Available to anyone in Nebraska with Satellite Downlink Capability

UNMC, Partners Across Nebraska Sponsor Free April Mini-Medical School Series; Genes & Chips: Combining New Science, New Technology for a Healthier Tomorrow The University of Nebraska Medical Center invites the public to its free April Mini-Medical School series titled, Genes & Chips: Combining New Science, New Technology for a Healthier Tomorrow. The series will show […]

Mar 19, 2001

Jeffrey Payne, D.D.S. Appointed to UNMC College of Dentistry’s First Endowed Chair

University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry faculty member, Jeffrey B. Payne, D.D.S., of Lincoln, today was named the first recipient of the F. Gene and Rosemary Dixon Chair in Dentistry. The prestigious chair appointment was announced at the UNMC College of Dentistrys 15th Annual Professionals Day in Lincoln. The Dixons, long-time contributors to […]

Mar 16, 2001

Drama Helps Medical Professionals Learn Compassionate Care for the Dying; Wit Play Offers UNMC Students Insightful Look at End of Life Issues

A full-length reading of the play, Wit, by members of Omahas Blue Barn Theater, will be held Tuesday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Omaha Community Playhouse.  This performance is sponsored by the University of Nebraska Medical Center Alumni Association, the UNMC Professionalism Committee and the Wit Education Initiative. Three UNMC faculty members will […]

Mar 16, 2001

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