Press Release
UNMC Mini-Medical School UNMC, Partners Across Nebraska Sponsor Free Health Education Series; First Line Defense: The Immune System The University of Nebraska Medical Center and 10 sites across Nebraska invite the public to attend UNMC Mini-Medical School, a free health educational series for four consecutive Thursdays beginning Sept. 27. The four-part series, titled, First Line […]
Sep 5, 2001
UNMC Seeks Nominations for J.G. (Jack) Elliott Award
The University of Nebraska Medical Center is currently accepting nominations for the 2002 J.G. (Jack) Elliott Award. The award is given annually to an individual who has made significant contributions to medicine and health programs for the state of Nebraska. The award is given in memory of Elliott, a former Scottsbluff resident who served on […]
Aug 30, 2001
Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center are participating in a nationwide clinical trial to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of combining standard initial chemotherapy with IM862, a compound that appears to have cancer fighting properties. Pre-clinical research suggests that IM862 stimulates the bodys immune system and inhibits the development of blood vessels needed […]
Aug 29, 2001
Bernice Christopherson Yates, Ph.D., Named Associate Dean of Research for UNMC College of Nursing
Bernice Christopherson Yates, Ph.D., has been appointed to associate dean for research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing. Dr. Yates, who has been serving in the interim position since January 2000, succeeds Mara Baun, Ph.D., who took a position at a University of Texas-Houston School of Nursing. Dr. Yates will be […]
Aug 27, 2001
The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry, located in Lincoln, invites the public to its free, annual Dental Museum open house, September 4-8, at which the museum puts its entire collection on display. The museum sports one of the largest regional collections of historical dental equipment and artifacts dating from 1850s. The UNMC […]
Aug 27, 2001
ConAgra Foods Joins with UNMC/NHS to Form Unique Community Health Partnership
ConAgra Foods, Inc., the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Health System announced today that they have formed a unique community partnership designed to improve the health of Nebraskans, especially individuals with limited access to community resources. Called the Business/Campus/Community Partnership for Health (BCCP), the program is the first of its kind in Nebraska. […]
Aug 27, 2001
University Agrees to Carhart Settlement
Citing a federal judges prediction that it would almost certainly lose the case if it went to trial, the University of Nebraska has agreed to reach a settlement in a lawsuit filed by Bellevue physician Leroy H. Carhart. The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in January. The settlement would reinstate Dr. Carhart as […]
Aug 23, 2001
This years Nebraska Agromedicine Consortium Meeting will look at some of the critical health issues facing farm families and industrial food production workers. The meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 4, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Kearney Holiday Inn in Kearney, Neb. This conference is designed to educate primary health-care providers on occupational and […]
Aug 22, 2001
UNMC to Lead $5.6 Million Research Project Looking Into Causes of Congenital Heart Defects
The University of Nebraska Medical Center has received a five-year, $5.6-million federal grant to study the causes of congenital heart defects. The grant called a program project grant was awarded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, one of the institutes that comprise the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. Thomas Rosenquist, Ph.D., […]
Aug 22, 2001
Public, Health Professionals Invited to UNMC/NHS Breastfeeding Conference
The Olson Center for Womens Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center will hold a one-day Breastfeeding: Babys Natural Choice conference on Wednesday, August 29, to provide education on the benefits of breastfeeding, as well as insight into research on breastfeeding and management of breastfeeding problems and concerns. Keynote speaker will be Thomas Hale, […]
Aug 21, 2001