Press Release

Free Omaha Women’s Health & Wellness Conference set for Oct. 9

General attendance for the conference is free. Continuing nursing education credit is available for select sessions at a cost of $30.

Sep 14, 2020

UNMC, COVAXX sign agreement paving way for clinical trials of COVAXX therapeutic

The vaccine clinical trial agreement between UNMC and COVAXX is the second COVID-19 related partnership in 2020 between the two organizations.

Sep 10, 2020

Research funding from VA to UNMC faculty increases

Funding totaled $3,838,358 awarded to 16 UNMC faculty during FY20.

Sep 9, 2020

UNMC enrollment at 4,247 sets record for 20th straight year

The increase of 192 students is the biggest increase at UNMC since it added 249 students in 2010.

Sep 8, 2020

UNMC to host free, statewide disability leadership seminar in September

For persons with disabilities, families, concerned citizens, professionals

Sep 2, 2020

Grant will fund potentially game-changing PT study at MMI

The Munroe-Meyer Institute Department of Physical Therapy will take part in a nationwide study that may fundamentally shift the way physical therapy (PT) is provided for young children at high risk for or diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Aug 27, 2020

Sandra Willett, PhD

University receives $5 million gift to create program on water, climate health

Donor wishes to raise awareness of the importance of public health.

Aug 26, 2020

Jesse Bell, PhD, an expert in public environmental health and environmental science, has been named as the director for the new program and will hold the Claire M. Hubbard Professorship of Water, Climate and Health.

UNMC conducting research study on driving

Though the study is not recruiting drivers with diabetes, it will look at how drivers without diabetes may improve the ability to understand how driving changes in people with diabetes.

Aug 25, 2020

Chancellor Gold statement following NU President Carter NU Regents presentation

President Carter’s plan provides university with a clear vision moving forward.

Aug 14, 2020

UNMC receives grant from Nebraska Environmental Trust

This is the first year of the award with a potential for second year funding totaling $7,000

Aug 12, 2020

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