Press Release

James Edney, M.D.

Nebraska Affiliate of Susan G. Komen awards breast cancer grant to UNMC

Omaha area women benefit from free program

May 28, 2013

Edibaldo Silva, M.D.

UNMC faculty receive teaching, community service awards

Faculty members honored with awards for excellence in teaching, research, community service.

May 23, 2013

UNMC eye institute will revolutionize eye care in Nebraska

Today the University of Nebraska Medical Center joins the ranks of leading ophthalmology centers with the opening of the Stanley M. Truhlsen Eye Institute. The new Truhlsen Eye Institute is poised to revolutionize eye care in the region and will allow UNMC to join the ranks of other centers of excellence such as the Wilmer […]

May 22, 2013

UNMC researcher offers rare glimpse into Parkinson’s disease using neuroimaging

A University of Nebraska Medical Center research team has found a way to monitor brain injuries that occur in Parkinson’s disease providing clinicians a rare glimpse into the disease process. By using magnetoencephalography (MEG) imaging Tony Wilson, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience and lead study investigator, was […]

May 16, 2013

UNMC physician first in state to receive grant focused on patient outcomes

Study will look at best treatment options for advanced-stage lung cancer

May 15, 2013

Monirul Islam, M.D., Ph.D.

UNMC weight loss study producing results in Columbus, 10-county area

Cindy Vrba has tried many popular weight loss programs with little success. Finally she lost 72 pounds with UNMC’s help.

May 10, 2013

Public invited May 14 to learn about new Kearney-area service for older adults

The College of Nursing will showcase its mobile comprehensive geriatric assessment service May 14

May 8, 2013

New cancer buildings to be named for CL Werner, Suzanne and Walter Scott

Multiple foundations, individuals also make major gifts

May 7, 2013

Buffett gift will create Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center

Omaha, Neb – The University of Nebraska Medical Center and The Nebraska Medical Center announced today that their cancer center project in midtown Omaha has a name: the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center. The cancer center will be named for Fred and Pamela Buffett in recognition of a gift from Pamela Buffett, through her […]

May 3, 2013

Fred and Pamela Buffett
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