Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience

New Approach Uses Immune Cells To Deliver Anti-HIV Medications

NIDA Notes covers article by

Gautam, N.; Roy, U.; Balkundi, S. Puligujja, P; Guo, D; Smith, N; Liu, X-M; Lamberty, B; Morsey; Fox, HS; McMillan, J; Gendelman, HE and Alnouti, Y. Preclinical pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of long-acting nanoformulated antiretroviral therapy. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 57(7):3110-3120, 2013

Nov 21, 2014

UNMC researches test vaccine for Parkinson’s disease

UNMC researchers looking for a vaccine for Parkinson’s Disease – KETV Omaha

Nov 18, 2014

Student spotlight: Meet Ariel Burns

Pharmacology and experimental neuroscience student aims to fight multiple sclerosis.

Nov 14, 2014

Ariel Burns

Workshop marks decade of nanomedicine research

Center for Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine’s founding director, Alexander Kabanov, Ph.D., D.Sc., returns for conference.

Oct 28, 2014

Lookin’ at U – James Beaudoin

Data curator/coordinator from Holland enjoys the dry Nebraska autumn.

Sep 18, 2014

UNMC students honored with NU fellowships

Duy Minh Ha and Phillip Purnell receive Presidential Graduate Fellowships.

Aug 13, 2014

Spotlight on new faculty: Ravi Dyavar, Ph.D.

Dr. Dyavar’s research focus is novel therapies to treat and cure HIV/AIDS.

Aug 5, 2014

Ravi Dyavar, Ph.D.

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Jul 25, 2014

Insights with Dr. Gold

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., discusses the decade of collaboration with China, the new UNMC mobile app and the UNMC strategic plan.

Jun 16, 2014

Outstanding Faculty Mentor of Graduate Students: Howard Gendelman, M.D.

For Dr. Gendelman, mentoring extends beyond the boundaries of graduate education.

Apr 24, 2014

Howard Gendelman, M.D.