Obstetrics and Gynecology

New lactation room gets decoration

Luikart Society’s donation provides new artwork for room.

May 9, 2018

Holding the artwork for the new lactation room are, from left, Melissa Mathes, M.D., Stacia Kennedy, lead lactation consultant for Nebraska Medicine, and Tessa Delaney, second-year medical student and outgoing president of the Luikart Society.

One Chart patient portal sees more users than ever

Portal aims to provide convenient access to health care.

Apr 12, 2018

Dr. Smith named chief academic officer for Nebraska Medicine

Carl Smith, M.D., will represent UNMC’s employed academic physician practice, as well as its research and education components.

Mar 30, 2018

Carl Smith, M.D.

Lecture focus: Medical bondage and birth of gynecology

Deirdre Cooper Owens, Ph.D., will deliver the Linda and Charles Wilson Humanities in Medicine Lecture on April 3.

Mar 28, 2018

Deirdre Cooper Owens, Ph.D.

Presentation explores how PT can aid with breastfeeding

Giuseppe (Joe) Siracusano, D.P.T., will speak at the March Olson Center Brown Bag.

Mar 9, 2018

Giuseppe (Joe) Siracusano, D.P.T.

UNMC faculty make a difference in staff member’s life

“Family” medicine takes on new meaning for UNMC’s Jolene Wees.

Feb 23, 2018

Grandson Abel and UNMC's Jolene Wees

Dr. Bierner to speak on carpal tunnel syndrome

Olson Center Brown Bag Luncheon will feature chair of UNMC Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation on Feb. 20.

Feb 6, 2018

Samuel Bierner, M.D.

Health issues in headlines will be brown bag focus

Christian Minter, assistant professor at the McGoogan Library of Medicine, will speak on how health news is reported on Jan. 16.

Jan 11, 2018

Christian Minter

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Dec 29, 2017

Anita Jaynes performs holiday songs for faculty and staff.

Remembering Wayne Ryan, Ph.D.

Services will be held this morning for scientist and philanthropist whom colleagues call “brilliant,” “modest” and “supremely interested in the betterment of science.”

Nov 7, 2017

Wayne Ryan, M.D., at the 2013 opening of the Dr. Wayne and Eileen Ryan Surgical Simulation Suite in the Sorrell Center at UNMC.