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Munroe-Meyer Institute

Therapist’s Girls on the Run team won’t be stopped

Munroe-Meyer physical therapist starts afterschool running club for girls of all abilities.

Nov 3, 2015

Coach Emily Drew, left, marks a lap on the arm of Chrixxion McIntosh during a Girls on the Run practice at Hartman Elementary School.

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Oct 30, 2015

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts presented James Temme, O'Malley Endowed Chair and associate director of radiation science technology education in the College of Allied Health Professions, with a proclamation commemorating Nov. 8-14 as "National Radiologic Technology Week." Temme accepted the proclamation on behalf of the state's radiologic technologists.

Speaker to discuss respite services for caregivers

Ellen Bennett is the Respite Resource Center coordinator for Partnerships in Caregiving.

Oct 27, 2015

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Oct 23, 2015

UNMC medical students from Phi Rho Sigma Medical Society presented a $2,000 check to representatives of the Munroe-Meyer Institute and the Scottish Rite Foundation Thursday. From left, speech therapist Korey Stading, medical student Lindsey Kendrick, speech therapist Leslie Van Winkle, medical student Sasha Kapil, speech therapist Beth Hughes,  Micah Evans of the Scottish Rite Foundation of Omaha, and Amy Nordness, Ph.D., director of the Munroe-Meyer Institute's RiteCare Speech & Language Clinic, gathered for the presentation. Kendrick and Kapil, philanthropy co-chairs of the UNMC chapter of Phi Rho Sigma, are presenting a check for $2,000 to Evans to support services at the clinic. The funds, raised at a Sept. 27 golf scramble held by Phi Ro Sigma, will provide 20 sessions of speech and language therapy to clients of the clinic.

UNMC exceeds United Way goals

Donation, participation marks reached as UNMC community supports United Way.

Oct 16, 2015

Registration open for respite care training

Class will be held Nov. 7.

Oct 12, 2015

United Way, Day 18: How we stack up

Husker football tickets on the line in Friday’s final prize drawing for the 2015 campaign.

Oct 8, 2015

United Way, Day 11: How we stack up

The College of Allied Health Professions again reaches 100 percent participation.

Oct 1, 2015

Lookin’ at U – Jack Swanson

For warehouse manager, UNMC is a family affair.

Sep 24, 2015

Jack Swanson