Internal Medicine

Thinking outside the box on Ebola testing

UNMC team publishes guidance on safe testing of Ebola virus specimens.

Nov 26, 2014

Pete Iwen, M.D.

UNMC resident selected for unique internship with American College of Physicians

Will head to Capitol Hill next spring to learn about the legislative process, health policy, and advocacy in organized medicine.

Nov 25, 2014

Dr. Denham Harman – legendary scientist – dies at age 98

Discovered Free Radical Theory of Aging and importance of antioxidants in slowing aging

Nov 25, 2014

Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D.

Grant will examine EHR efficiency

UNMC, UNO will collaborate to explore a model electronic health record system to improve patient care.

Nov 21, 2014

John Windle, M.D., professor and chief of cardiology at UNMC

Dr. Gold to speak in Washington today

UNMC chancellor will discuss Ebola crisis at House, Senate meetings.

Nov 18, 2014

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

Dr. Gold addresses AAMC on Ebola response

UNMC chancellor praises academic medical centers as uniquely prepared to respond to the crisis.

Nov 14, 2014

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., addressing a group at the Association of American Medical Colleges annual meeting in Chicago.

UNMC develops clinical/academic affiliation with Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital

Nebraska Medicine also involved as new residency program, academic department are planned

Nov 13, 2014

Marsha Lommel, president and CEO of Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, and Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., chancellor of UNMC and chairman of Nebraska Medicine, sign the agreement that will establish the partnership between the two organizations.

Setting the standard in Ebola care

Panel discussion highlighted UNMC, Nebraska Medicine’s challenges, successes in treating two Ebola patients.

Nov 10, 2014

From left, UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D, Shelley Schwedhelm, Angela Hewlett, M.D., Phil Smith, M.D., Ali Khan, M.D., M.P.H., John Lowe, Ph.D., and Nebraska Medicine President Brad Britigan, M.D.

Dr. O’Dell receives national research award

Arthritis Foundation recognizes Dr. O’Dell’s work exploring effectiveness of drug therapies.

Nov 10, 2014

James O'Dell, M.D.

James O’Dell, M.D., receives prestigious Lee C. Howley Sr. Prize

Recognizes the most important scientific paper that will lead to a faster cure for arthritis and related diseases

Nov 7, 2014