Internal Medicine
Dr. Smith attends State of the Union
Philip Smith, M.D., was the guest of Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse at President Obama’s Tuesday address.
Jan 21, 2015

Meet New Investigator Natalia Osna, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Osna’s research explores the role of both hepatitis C and alcohol in the reduction of immune protection against viral infection.
Jan 13, 2015

Former UNMC College of Medicine dean, Dr. John Gollan, dies at age 72
Consummate gentleman, facilitator helped transform pediatric care in Nebraska
Jan 8, 2015

Tonight’s Science Cafe: Something in the air
Jill Poole, M.D., and Aaron Yoder, Ph.D., will team for the next Science Cafe.
Jan 6, 2015

Science Cafe focus: The air we breathe
Jill Poole, M.D., and Aaron Yoder, Ph.D., will team for the next Science Cafe.
Dec 31, 2014

Med center Ebola team named Midlanders of Year
The Omaha World-Herald honors the doctors, nurses and other health professionals of the med center’s Biocontainment Unit.
Dec 29, 2014

Free flu vaccinations still available
UNMC has a 90 percent vaccination goal. Click through to see which department has the highest completion rate.
Dec 15, 2014

Real-life stakes in UNMC’s ‘gout game’
Video game educates UNMC students, future physicians on poorly managed disease.
Dec 8, 2014

Internal Medicine finalists speak on campus
Sanjay Asthana, M.D., and Debra Romberger, M.D., will hold open forums this month.
Dec 1, 2014