Internal Medicine

UNMC for the record

Drs. Karst, Ramos participate in rural health panel, and other news and notes from the UNMC community.

Jun 8, 2018

From left, Shawn Kaskie, fellows coordinator, Rural Futures Institute, Brent Comstock of Rural Impact Hub, Kyle Ryan, Ph.D., Athena Ramos, Ph.D., Marty Fattig and Greg Karst, Ph.D.

Internal medicine annual poster session growing

Event grew this year in both number of posters submitted and attendance.

Jun 1, 2018

Joel Michalski, M.D., Ph.D., right, was awarded Best Fellow Poster by Ted Mikuls, M.D.

Medical center among nation’s best in recognizing, treating heart attack

American College of Cardiology awards med center the 2018 Silver Performance Achievement Award for the ACTION Registry of the National Cardiovascular Data Registry.

May 31, 2018

Edward O'Leary, M.D.

Get checked-May is National Osteoporosis Month

‘Silent’ disease a major cause of death and disability

May 17, 2018

73-year-old Mina Duncan of Omaha visits with Laura Graeff-Armas, M.D., at the new clinic at the Lauritzen Outpatient Center.

Minimally invasive heart surgery topic of Science Cafe

Andrew Goldsweig, M.D., will be the featured speaker.

May 8, 2018

Andrew Goldsweig, M.D.

Researchers find rheumatoid arthritis carries increased risk of heart disease

Findings published in prestigious British Medical Journal

May 3, 2018

Study: Rheumatoid arthritis may increase heart disease

UNMC research findings published in prestigious British Medical Journal.

May 1, 2018

Bryant England, M.D.

Two UNMC scientists recognized for outstanding research in aging diseases

The 20th Annual Vada Kinman Oldfield Alzheimer’s Research Fund Award and the 14th Annual Nancy and Ronald Reagan Alzheimer’s Scholarship Fund Award were presented during recent ceremonies.

Apr 25, 2018

Faculty members share UNMC memories

Education, teamwork highlight recollections.

Apr 20, 2018

Faculty members share UNMC memories

Friendships among longtime colleagues’ most rewarding experiences.

Apr 19, 2018