Internal Medicine
Comparative effectiveness research examines treatment options
Studies are in progress throughout UNMC’s campus.
Feb 21, 2014

Demand grows for bioinformatic gurus
As information technology becomes more integral to health care, need for specialists increases.
Feb 20, 2014

Wellness Wednesday video: Caffeine and the heart
How does caffeine affect my heart? How much is too much caffeine? (Featuring Shikhar Saxena, M.D., UNMC College of Medicine.)
Feb 19, 2014
Search committee formed for internal medicine chair
Carl Smith, M.D., to head search committee.
Feb 19, 2014

UNMC study: Vitamin D provides relief for those with chronic hives
The two-year project looked at the role of over-the-counter vitamin D3.
Feb 17, 2014

Dr. Caverzagie named associate dean for educational strategy
New position created to seek better ways of educating medical students, residents.
Jan 24, 2014

Infection control recommendations could make white coats obsolete
UNMC, national infection control experts issue guidance on health professionals’ attire.
Jan 24, 2014

Iowa physician tabbed as chairman of UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences
Will increase faculty, grow clinical and research programs
Jan 17, 2014

Ph.D. candidate’s ‘influenza’ artwork spotlighted in national journal
Kristin Watkins’ pen-and-ink drawing is the latest cover illustration for Academic Medicine.
Jan 15, 2014

UNMC part of international hepatitis C registry to improve treatment
Baby boomers encouraged to get tested
Jan 9, 2014