Internal Medicine

UNMC team’s vancomycin study highlighted in JAMA

Andre Kalil, M.D., says study may have implications for clinical practice and public health.

Oct 10, 2014

Andre Kalil, M.D.

Second Ebola patient ‘sick, but stable’

Two UNMC physicians met with reporters Wednesday to discuss case.

Oct 9, 2014

Philip Smith, M.D., and Diana Florescu, M.D., speak with reporters about Ebola patient Ashoka Mukpo.

UNMC study in JAMA finds old drug still reliable, safe in treating Staph

Even after more than 50 years, vancomycin remains effective

Oct 9, 2014

Andre Kalil, M.D.

Ebola patient ‘looks strong,’ father says

Ashoka Mukpo arrived at medical center on Monday.

Oct 7, 2014

Diana Mukpo and Mitchell Levy, M.D., discuss their son Ashoka Mukpo at a press conference Monday morning.

Updates in HIV care focus of conference

Registration open for 17th annual Update for HIV Care Providers and Educators, to be held Oct. 15.

Oct 6, 2014

Susan Swindells, M.B.B.S., will speak at the 17th annual Update for HIV Care Providers and Educators.

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Oct 3, 2014

UNMC Faculty Women’s Club Scholarship recipients were honored at a recent luncheon.  Pictured above are five of the nine recipients:  Erica Jasa, College of Dentistry; Heather Talbott, Graduate Studies; Susan Hageman, College of Medicine; Pat Leuschen, Ph.D., (retired), FWC president; Alexandra Dugan, College of Pharmacy; Charlene Vance, School of Allied Health Professions; and Mary Gallagher-Jansen, M.D., Internal Medicine and FWC executive board member. Dr. Leuschen estimates that approximately $250,000 supporting student scholarship has been contributed over the years by the organization.  Recipients not pictured:  Morgan Mowrey, Dental Hygiene; Jacquelyn Ryan, Nursing; Allison Anderson, Nursing; and Bianca Christensen, Public Health.

Internal medicine chair search progressing

Carl Smith, M.D., is chairing search committee.

Oct 2, 2014

Virus-free, Dr. Sacra leaves med center

Rick Sacra, M.D., praised his health care team at press conference Thursday morning.

Sep 25, 2014

Rick Sacra, M.D.

Lookin’ at U – Charlene Tate

Returning UNMC employee has witnessed its “commitment to excellence” from the patient’s point of view.

Sep 11, 2014

Clinical leadership positions announced

Mark Mailliard, M.D., and Lisa Runco are named to lead digestive disease and kidney services.

Sep 10, 2014

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