Internal Medicine Newsletter

New Comparative Medicine Director

Jennifer L. Larsen, MD, vice chancellor for research, recently announced that John Bradfield, DVM, PhD, has accepted the offer to become the next Comparative Medicine director for UNMC.

Jan 6, 2017

Internal Medicine Research & Non Research Awards

ADIS Reported funding from 10/01/2016- To 12/31/2016.

Jan 5, 2017

Faculty Publications – House Officer Scholarly Works – 4th Quarter 2016

Authors, Title, Year, Source title, Volume, Issue, Art. No., Page start, Page end, DOI, Link, ISSN, PubMed ID, Document Type, Source, EID (Elsevier ID#) Jalal H., O’Dell J.R., Bridges S.L., Jr., Cofield S., Curtis J.R., Mikuls T.R., Moreland L.W., Michaud K., Cost-Effectiveness of Triple Therapy Versus Etanercept Plus Methotrexate in Early Aggressive Rheumatoid Arthritis, 2016, […]

Jan 4, 2017

From the Chair

We welcome 2017 and the adventures that lie ahead in this year.

Jan 4, 2017

Rare Aquagenic Urticaria Case Published

Andrew Rorie, MD, assistant professor, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Allergy, an allergy-immunologist, was quoted in the November 4, U.S. News & World Report article “What It’s Like Being Allergic to Water.”

Dec 29, 2016

Very Successful Diabetes Trials Recruitment

Cyrus Desouza, MBBS, chief, Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism (DEM), is also the site director for two NIH multicenter trials.

Dec 28, 2016

IDeA-CTR Funding Programs Announced

The GP-IDeA CTR has announced two funding opportunities. The IDeA-CTR Scholars Program and the IDeA-CTR Pilot Grant Program. Download the RFAs to read the details for each program and their deadlines.

Dec 27, 2016

Appreciation for Role in Accreditation

This fall UNMC received full accreditation status from the Association for Accreditation of Human Research Protection Program, Inc. ( AAHRPP). Drs. Gay Canaris, Matt Lunning, James Schwarz and Sue Swindells are members of the IRB and were recognized by Drs. Bruce Gordon, Executive Chair, UNMC IRB and Ernie Prentice, Institutional Official, for their ongoing great work in that role.

Dec 27, 2016

UNMC Department of Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award

The second UNMC Department of Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award was recently given to Bryant England, MD, rheumatology fellow, for his proposal titled “Enhancing the Identification of Rheumatoid Arthritis Associated Lung Disease.”

Dec 23, 2016

Bryant England, MD, at an earlier Internal Medicine Research Awards

More VA News

VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System welcomed Dr. David Williams as the new Chief of Staff in September. He takes over for Dr. Marvin Bittner who served as NWIHCS’ acting Chief of Staff for the previous six months.

Dec 23, 2016