
Fourth annual UNMC Skate-a-thon to raise funds for Parkinson’s research

Previous three Skate-a-thons have raised total of $110,000

The show must go on.

Even though Colleen Wuebben, the driving force behind the UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson’s, passed away 10 months ago, the fourth annual event will continue on Jan. 10-11 at the UNMC Ice Rink.

Dec 18, 2013

New version of One Chart successfully installed

On Nov. 10, One Chart Version 2012 was successfully installed on campus. The upgrade provides the most current version of the Epic electronic health record since the rollout last year. By all accounts, the transfer to the new system went well.

Dec 18, 2013

New version of One Chart successfully installed

On Nov. 10, One Chart Version 2012 was successfully installed on campus. The upgrade provides the most current version of the Epic electronic health record since the rollout last year. By all accounts, the transfer to the new system went well. “We want to thank all staff and providers for helping ensure the success of […]

Dec 18, 2013

From common colds to deadly lung diseases, one protein plays key role

Joe Sisson, M.D., a University of Nebraska Medical Center clinician-scientist, was part of an international team of researchers that has zeroed in on a protein that plays a key role in many lung-related ailments, from seasonal coughing and hacking to more serious diseases such as MRSA infections and cystic fibrosis.

Dec 18, 2013

Joe Sisson, M.D.

Research highlights

The following awards were received by College of Medicine faculty during the month of October. These 23 new awards represent more than $10.3 million in new funding to UNMC.

Dec 18, 2013

Howard Gendelman, M.D.

What’s in a burp?

By Michael Huckabee, Ph.D., professor and director of the UNMC physician assistant program. Dr. Huckabee writes a blog for the Omaha World-Herald’s LiveWell Nebraska website.

Dec 18, 2013

Michael Huckabee, Ph.D.

College of Medicine Student of the Month – Jenn Harney, third-year student

Editor’s Note: Each month, InterCOM will highlight a “Student of the Month” from the College of Medicine. Students will be featured for their participation in activities outside of medical school and for making a difference in the community. The goal is to recognize students for what they are doing and to encourage other students to get involved in the community. After all, medical school should be much more than studying.

Dec 18, 2013

Jenn Harney

Coming events

Jan. 10-11 – UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson’s – a 24-hour ice skating fund raising event for Parkinson’s research at UNMC at the UNMC Ice Rink.

Jan. 20 – Expected date when the office of the vice chancellor for research expects to finalize its list of Distinguished Scientists.

Jan. 24 – Board of Regents meeting.

Dec 18, 2013

A message from the dean

With 2014 just around the corner, it’s a good time to pause and reflect on the many exciting things that will be happening in the College of Medicine and UNMC in the new year.

Dec 18, 2013

Board of Regents approves appointment of Dr. Jeffrey Gold as new UNMC chancellor

The University of Nebraska Board of Regents has approved the appointment of Dr. Jeffrey Gold as the new chancellor of the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Dec 18, 2013

Dr. Jeffrey Gold