
UNMC History: College of Medicine centennial sculpture

Commemorative sculpture still stands on campus.

Jan 20, 2017

Tammy Kielian, Ph.D., honored as Scientist Laureate

Dr. Kielian and other UNMC researchers will be honored at a ceremony today.

Jan 17, 2017

Tammy Kielian, Ph.D.

MEG team seeks subjects for research studies

Magnetoencephalography has led to a better understanding of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and others.

Jan 10, 2017

The magnetoencephalography (MEG) scanner is a brain imaging device that allows researchers to see the brain in action.

UNMC neonatal training in China could save lives

Ann Anderson Berry, M.D., Ph.D., traveled to China to provide simulation training on neonatal resuscitation.

Jan 9, 2017

Ann Anderson Berry, M.D., Ph.D.

UNMC aids search for new cardiovascular disease treatment

Seven universities involved in consortium, including UCLA, Caltech, Harvard and Oxford.

Jan 6, 2017

Irving Zucker, Ph.D.

David O’Dell, M.D., is inaugural Educator Laureate

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Office will hold its inaugural Impact in Education Awards on Feb. 10.

Jan 5, 2017

David O'Dell, M.D.

Dr. Chang offering minimally invasive robotic surgery

Fellowship helps bring innovative surgical technique to med center

Dec 30, 2016

Estelle Chang, M.D.

3D printer helps eye surgeon develop prototype tool

Donny Suh, M.D., teams with UNMC Makers in collaborative effort.

Dec 28, 2016

Donny Suh, M.D.

UNMC Department of Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award

The second UNMC Department of Internal Medicine Scientist Development Award was recently given to Bryant England, MD, rheumatology fellow, for his proposal titled “Enhancing the Identification of Rheumatoid Arthritis Associated Lung Disease.”

Dec 23, 2016

Bryant England, MD, at an earlier Internal Medicine Research Awards

UNMC, UNO form new institute to help start-ups succeed

UNeTech facility at 3929 Harney St. will provide affordable space in 3-level, 5,000-sq.-ft. building

Dec 22, 2016