
Selaba Travis Gold U Recipient

Selaba’s nomination was largely based on her work with UNMC’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) and Summer Undergraduate Alcohol Research (SUARP) programs, but also recognizes her accomplishment of other job responsibilities.

May 31, 2017

Steve Dixon, D.V.M., to retire

Dr. Dixon served for 25 years as director of comparative medicine at UNMC.

May 31, 2017

Steve Dixon, D.V.M.

Ernest Prentice, Ph.D., to retire

Retirement celebration will be held June 1 for Dr. Prentice and Steve Dixon, D.V.M.

May 30, 2017

Staff performance appraisals due June 15

Evaluations to be completed in ADIS.

May 30, 2017

Research highlights

Researchers bring in $2.8 million in new research; largest grants to focus on HIV, pancreatic cancer.

May 30, 2017

A message from the dean

Dual chancellorship for Dr. Gold creates opportunities for UNMC and UNO to better leverage strengths of both campuses.

May 27, 2017

Coming events

Cattlemen’s Ball on June 2-3 to raise money for cancer research at Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

May 27, 2017

COM student of the month — meet Kathleen Borghoff

Dancing, cooking, reading and music help student deal with rigors of medical school

May 27, 2017

COM employee spotlight – meet Lindsay Meyer

Recruitment coordinator thrives on helping students reach their goal of attending medical school

May 27, 2017

7 teaching awards presented to COM faculty

Dr. Mehta receives three recognitions for his outstanding teaching.

May 27, 2017

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