
Great Plains IDeA-CTR announces Scholars grants

The Great Plains IDeA-Clinical Translational Research (CTR) Network at UNMC has announced four awardees for its 2017 Scholars Program grants.

Jun 14, 2017

UNMC’s Dr. Amoura grand marshal at pride parade

UNMC community invited to march in Heartland Pride Parade to be held Saturday in Council Bluffs.

Jun 14, 2017

Jean Amoura, M.D.

Wigton archives dedicated at McGoogan Library

Dr. Wigton called “library’s biggest champion.”

Jun 12, 2017

Robert Wigton, M.D., attends the ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday.

Nominations open for Premier Education Banquet

Nominations for three awards to be presented at the event will be accepted through June 30.

Jun 9, 2017

Faculty-based committee to explore UNMC-UNO collaboration

Committee will “provide a venue to move forward with ideas and innovations that are impactful and beneficial to both campuses.”

Jun 8, 2017

From left, UNMC Faculty Senate President Ann Anderson Berry, M.D., Ph.D., and UNO Faculty Senate President Laura Grams, Ph.D.

Cancer center meeting, conference rooms available

Info on scheduling meetings, conference rooms in the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

Jun 7, 2017

Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center

Time out with T.O. – Addicted to UNMC

Family cuts ribbon on David & Patti Aresty Family Waiting Area in the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

Jun 7, 2017

From left, Ben Aresty, Holly Aresty, Adam Aresty, Patti Aresty, Rachel Aresty Solomon and Daniel Solomon at the ribbon cutting.

IAE group exploring educational technology

Education Technology Collaboration is a line of communication between early adopters and those interested in using educational technology.

Jun 6, 2017

From left, Melissa Diers and Teresa Hartman

Former astronaut Anderson tests UNMC, UNL surgery robot

Two Nebraska robotics researchers hope that, one day, astronauts will use their miniature robots to conduct surgery in space.

Jun 5, 2017

From a conference room in the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Clayton Anderson uses remote controllers to move the "hands" of a surgical robot nearly 900 miles away in Omaha. He is watching a video feed that allows him to see what he is doing.

Regents approve Child Health Research Institute

Institute will ensure continued success in pediatric research.

Jun 2, 2017

John Sparks, M.D., chair of the UNMC Department of Pediatrics