
Comic book provides insights into measles virus

Exhibit at UNMC library is open to public from Feb. 1-April 27; reception/book signing will be Feb. 8.

Jan 30, 2018

Skate-a-thon brings in more than $20,000

More than 600 skaters participate in 24-hour UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson’s.

Jan 30, 2018

Ryan Cary (center) is flanked by his father, Stephen, and his mother, Jeanne, after completing the UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson's. Cary recruited 42 skaters for the event and brought in $2,600. His LeaseTeam, Inc. competed in the Rock the Clock category, which required the team to have at least one skater on the ice throughout the 24-hour event. Stephen Cary, a former president of the apartment leasing division for NP Dodge, has had Parkinson's disease for the past 12 years.

A message from the dean

Huge state budget shortfall likely will result in difficult decisions for College of Medicine

Jan 30, 2018

UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson’s brings in more than $20,000

More than 600 skaters participate in 24-hour event

Jan 27, 2018

Ryan Cary (center) is flanked by his father, Stephen, and his mother, Jeanne, after completing the UNMC Skate-a-thon for Parkinson's. Cary recruited 42 skaters for the event and brought in $2,600. His LeaseTeam, Inc. competed in the Rock the Clock category, which required the team to have at least one skater on the ice throughout the 24-hour event. Stephen Cary, a retired property manager for NP Dodge, has had Parkinson's disease for the past 12 years.

Dr. Gold will continue to lead both UNMC, UNO

University of Nebraska President Hank Bounds, Ph.D., says Dr. Gold will continue in joint chancellor role for at least 18 more months.

Jan 26, 2018

From left, University of Nebraska President Hank Bounds, Ph.D., and Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., chancellor of UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha

Featured videos

Alena Balasanova, M.D., psychiatry, “How does substance use disorder lead to an addiction to drugs or alcohol?” Watch Ask UNMC Nebraska Medicine:  Husband donates kidney to stranger.

Jan 26, 2018

COM student of the month

Second-year med student uses daily self-care time and wide range of hobbies to stay balanced

Jan 26, 2018

COM employee spotlight

Pharmacist for HIV patients enjoys developing relationships with patients and helping them navigate medical care challenges

Jan 26, 2018

Resident program director of the month

Emergency medicine residency director takes pride in program providing extraordinary clinical experience

Jan 26, 2018

COM resident of the month

Pediatric resident counts maternal depression screening program, breastfeeding presentation among her top accomplishments

Jan 26, 2018