
E-learning innovations spotlighted in upcoming showcase

Innovators in Education Showcase will be held April 10.

Mar 27, 2018

One of the teams from last year's showcase spotlight their e-learning project. From left: Samantha Salerno, Anna Calgaard, Dr. Sara Bills, Neleigh Frandsen, Kristine Polacek and Liz Damman.

MSBRF winners include UNMC students

Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum draws students from around region.

Mar 26, 2018

Alzheimer’s Association executive to speak on campus

Rachel Conant will speak on “Strengthening the Response to Alzheimer’s through Public Health and Public Policy.”

Mar 23, 2018

New partnership to take on pancreatic cancer

Study involving UNMC and Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc., combines Ampligen drug, peptide vaccine in attempt to enhance immune system.

Mar 23, 2018

Tony Hollingsworth, Ph.D., the Leon Professor of Cancer and director of pancreatic cancer research for UNMC

Registration open for Africa Summit at UNMC

Event will be held on April 5.

Mar 22, 2018

Healthy parent/teen pairs needed for eye study

UNMC researchers at the Stanley M. Truhlsen Eye Institute are seeking participants for a study exploring how the eyes of children differ from the eyes of adults.Study results may help enable the design of improved glaucoma treatments, specifically for children. Glaucoma is a major cause of blindness caused by permanent damage to the optic nerve. […]

Mar 21, 2018

Improving care for rural breast cancer patients under 50

Quality improvement project will address issues specific to younger patients newly diagnosed with breast cancer.

Mar 20, 2018

Elizabeth Reed, M.D.

Aging expert to deliver UNMC Harman Lecture April 6

Thomas Rando, M.D., Ph.D., will speak on restoring youthful function to old cells.

Mar 20, 2018

Match Day a family affair

This year’s medical class has an estimated 50 to 60 children.

Mar 20, 2018

From left, Kaylee and Shannon Haines, M.D. Dr. Haines matched in pediatrics at UNMC.

SHARING the Green Golf Tournament set for April 13

Event supports the SHARING Clinics.

Mar 16, 2018

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