High School Alliance

The Alliance in Focus: Meet Morgan Dillon

Love of science inspires Bellevue East junior to aim for radiology career.

Oct 22, 2014

Morgan Dillon

The Alliance in Focus: Meet Shekinah Kiagiri

Ralston junior hopes to provide health care to disadvantaged communities.

Oct 8, 2014

Shekinah Kiagiri

The Alliance in Focus: Monica Houston

Benson High junior’s misdiagnosis sharpened her interest in the mysteries of medicine.

Sep 3, 2014

Monica Houston

NU leader will focus on student success

Gabrielle Banick, Ph.D., is named university’s assistant vice president for P-16 initiatives.

Aug 4, 2014

The Alliance in focus: Meet Courtney Smith

Bellevue West junior has always planned to be a doctor.

Apr 30, 2014

Courtney Smith, left, with High School Alliance (and Bellevue West) classmate Alexa Aikens.

The Alliance in Focus: Meet Quinn Nelson

Program helped Westside senior develop an interest in research.

Apr 2, 2014

Quinn Nelson

The Alliance in Focus: Meet Rachel Smith

Gretna senior exploring different aspects of medicine as she plots medical career.

Mar 5, 2014

Rachel Smith

The Alliance in Focus: Meet Megan McClanahan

Love of science drives student’s college, career plans.

Feb 5, 2014

The Alliance in Focus: Meet Noah Yoshida

Physics class proved an irresistable force when it came to sparking this student’s interest in science.

Jan 8, 2014

Noah Yoshida, right, speaks with another UNMC High School Alliance student, Alexis Reza of Bellevue East.

The Alliance in Focus: Meet Sujana Maddipati

Millard West senior aims to combine her love of children and science with a career as a pediatrician.

Dec 4, 2013

Sujana Maddipati
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