Health Security

UNMC joins western U.S. partners in infectious disease training

The infection prevention and control exercise in Alaska and Washington involved UNMC’s ISTARI system.

Oct 25, 2023

The exercises simulating an ill patient with a likely highly communicable disease spanned from Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska, to Spokane, Washington.

UNMC hosts dean of Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine

The med center partners with the school on the Center for Sustainment of Trauma Readiness Skills Omaha unit.

Oct 3, 2023

Ben Stobbe, assistant vice chancellor of clinical simulation for iEXCEL, led a tour of the Davis Global Center with Melanie Lazarus, EdD, dean of the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine.

UNMC and ASPR cut ribbon on national quarantine center

The event came nearly four years after the Training, Simulation and Quarantine Center opened, but also right on time.

Sep 26, 2023

Leaders from UNMC, the Global Center for Health Security and federal Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response cut the ribbon on the national Training, Simulation and Quarantine Center. From left are Chris Kratochvil, MD, UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, Nikki Bratcher-Bowman of ASPR, Shelly Schwedhelm, John-Martin Lowe, PhD, and James Lawler, MD.

UNMC forms task force to explore impact of AI

The working group, which crosses the campus and key clinical partners, is a critical step in understanding AI’s benefits and minimizing the risks.

Sep 20, 2023

Emily Glenn and Rachel Lookadoo, JD, co-chairs of the AI task force

UNMC for the record, Sept. 15, 2023

Bill Scott is a polka hall of famer, two upcoming continuing education events, a Sodexo offer and UNMC retirements.

Sep 15, 2023

Bill Scott, here playing his beloved trumpet at a 2011 UNMC event with his son, John, was inducted into the Sokol Omaha Polka Hall of Fame.

UNMC researchers guide strategy for next public health emergencies

The UNMC Global Center for Health Security collaborated with the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network.

Sep 8, 2023

Jocelyn Herstein, PhD, and Lauren Sauer

D-SAFE training program with UNMC advances health security

The U.S. Public Health Service program works closely with the UNMC Global Center for Health Security.

Sep 6, 2023

Public Health Service leadership through the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps attended the D-SAFE training offered by the UNMC Global Center for Health Security.

Global Center group visits counterparts in Japan

The visit to the National Center for Global Health and Medicine follows up on connections made with UNMC last fall.

Sep 1, 2023

Jocelyn Herstein, PhD

Economists get ‘impressive’ look at UNMC’s advances

About 20 members of the National Business Economic Issues Council visited the med center Aug. 7.

Aug 17, 2023

Chris Kratochvil, senior advisor to UNMC’s Global Center for Health Security and interim vice chancellor of external relations, shows economists with the National Business Economic Issues Council an austere training environment housed within the Davis Global Center.

Biopreparedness exhibit showcases med center’s expertise

‘Biopreparedness in Nebraska’ officially opens for public viewing today at the Wigton Heritage Center.

Jun 19, 2023

Mannequins wearing personal protective equipment line up to go on display in the "Biopreparedness in Nebraska" exhibit at the Wigton Heritage Center, in front of an interactive digital board.