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Graduate Studies Newsletter

A message from Dr. Davies

Greetings, Welcome to the inaugural issue of “Graduate Posts,” a newsletter for UNMC Graduate Studies students and alumni. We hope that this newsletter, which will be published once a semester, will serve as an avenue to increase communication and build camaraderie for Graduate Studies alumni and current students. Many exciting developments are taking place in […]

Feb 21, 2014

H. Dele Davies, M.D., dean of graduate studies

Alumni Profile: Jennifer L. Pluznick, Ph.D.

Each issue of the Graduate Posts will profile one of our successful alumni, with the intent of revealing the broad scope of their backgrounds and activities, as well as the wide range of career paths available to our alumni. In this inaugural issue, we spotlight Jen Pluznick, a UNMC alumnus whose postdoctoral training was completed […]

Feb 21, 2014

Jacob Contreras: A student, but also a mentor

The graduate students at UNMC represent a dizzying array of specialties and ambitions. In each issue of UNMC’s Graduate Posts, we will introduce you to one of the students currently working toward a degree at UNMC. Today, we meet: Name: Jacob Contreras Program: Cancer research Undergraduate institution, major and degree: University of Texas at El […]

Feb 21, 2014

Jacob Contreras

Graduate Studies office staff on hand to help

From application to dissertation, the staff of the Office of Graduate Studies are on hand to help UNMC students, from ushering them through the admissions process to accepting the final paper — yes, it’s still paper — version of the dissertation that marks many students’ completion of the program. Terri Vadovski, the director of graduate […]

Feb 21, 2014

From left, Terri Vadovski, Vanessa Wilcox and Cody Phillips

Inaugural Graduate Studies convocation set for May

In the wake of the first matriculation ceremony for Graduate Studies, held last August, graduating M.S. and Ph.D. students can look forward to the inaugural convocation ceremony this May. The ceremonies are part of a new emphasis on creating a sense of community and a stronger sense of identity for graduate students. The matriculation ceremony […]

Feb 21, 2014

Second from right, H. Dele Davies, M.D., dean of graduate studies, greets incoming students at last year's inaugural graduate studies matriculation ceremony. The first convocation ceremony will be held later this year, as well.

Frequently asked question

Each issue of Graduate Posts will feature a Frequently Asked Question, to be answered by the staff or leadership of UNMC Graduate Studies. In this issue, Pamela K. Carmines, Ph.D., answers: What is the difference between the Graduate College and Graduate Studies? Aren’t they synonymous? They are not synonymous, but they are closely related. In […]

Feb 21, 2014