Graduate Studies Newsletter

Matriculation ceremony welcomes new students

Chelsea Lyle and Logan Bulock knew each other before they got to the Graduate Studies Matriculation Ceremony on Aug. 20. They knew each other pretty well, in fact — the Minnesota natives are married. But their acquaintances at UNMC were fewer. Lyle, a Bethel University graduate who is entering the Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy […]

Nov 4, 2014

Logan Bulock and Chelsea Lyle attended the UNMC Office of Graduate Studies matriculation ceremony in August.

Duy Ha: Sharing a love of science

Duy Ha has always loved science. The graduate student association president, an M.D./Ph.D. scholar in the departments of cellular & integrative physiology and surgery, enjoys sharing his passion, as well. Graduate Posts spoke to Ha to ask about his interests, his love of science and his commitment to serving as a role model to other […]

Jun 20, 2014

From left, Agnes Lenagh, Ph.D., Caronda Moore, Ph.D., Duy Ha, Carolyn Schaeffer and Ariel Burns took part in last year's UNMC Career day for high school students.

Alumni Spotlight: Gary C. Sieck, Ph.D.

Each issue of Graduate Posts will profile one of our successful alumni, with the intent of revealing the broad scope of their backgrounds and activities, as well as the wide range of career paths available to our alumni. In this issue, we spotlight: Name: Gary C. Sieck, Ph.D. Degree at UNMC: Ph.D. in physiology and […]

Jun 15, 2014

Gary C. Sieck, Ph.D.

Dr. Giridharan wins Jefferson Award

Sai Srinivas Panapakkam Giridharan, Ph.D. During May’s convocation ceremony, Sai Srinivas Panapakkam Giridharan, Ph.D., received the Thomas Jefferson Ingenuity Award, given each cycle to a graduate student for their ingenuity in their doctoral research. Graduate Posts spoke to Dr. Giridharan, currently at the University of Michigan, about the award and his experiences at UNMC. What […]

Jun 15, 2014

First honors convocation a success

It’s 5:30 p.m. The Durham Museum has been closed for 30 minutes, so it’s only a matter of time before this group gets ushered out of the lecture hall. But there are so many things left to figure out. How many faculty members will be seated on the stage? Who should be stage right, where […]

Jun 15, 2014

Praesto Award Winner: Erin G. Rosenbaugh, Ph.D.

Mentor Matthew C. Zimmerman, Ph.D., and Dr. Rosenbaugh Erin G. Rosenbaugh, Ph.D., was the inaugural recipient of the Praesto Award at the UNMC Graduate Studies honors convocation ceremony held in May. The new award recognizes the most outstanding or exceptional graduate for the academic year. Pamela K. Carmines, Ph.D. — who Dr. Rosenbaugh called a […]

Jun 15, 2014

A message from the Dean: Looking ahead

Welcome to the latest edition of Graduate Posts. The 2013-14 academic year was a banner one for the UNMC Office of Graduate Studies. In addition to the inaugural Graduate Studies matriculation and honors convocation, the year also saw the creation of the Graduate Studies chapter in the university’s alumni association. Despite these accomplishments, 2014-15 looks […]

Jun 15, 2014

H. Dele Davies, M.D.

Frequently asked question

Each issue of Graduate Posts will feature a Frequently Asked Question, to be answered by the staff or leadership of UNMC Graduate Studies. In this issue, Pamela K. Carmines, Ph.D., answers: The Office of Graduate Studies recently held its first convocation. What is the difference between “convocation” and “commencement”? Which one is graduation? In brief, […]

Jun 15, 2014

Dr. Leuschen heads GS alumni chapter

M. Patricia Leuschen, Ph.D. Longtime UNMC faculty member M. Patricia Leuschen, Ph.D., was always invited to the university’s annual campuswide Alumni Day. However, she couldn’t help but wonder why she was always invited as a faculty member, despite the fact that she held two graduate degrees from UNMC. “I’ve mentored or taught students in these […]

Feb 21, 2014

A message from Dr. Davies

Greetings, Welcome to the inaugural issue of “Graduate Posts,” a newsletter for UNMC Graduate Studies students and alumni. We hope that this newsletter, which will be published once a semester, will serve as an avenue to increase communication and build camaraderie for Graduate Studies alumni and current students. Many exciting developments are taking place in […]

Feb 21, 2014

H. Dele Davies, M.D., dean of graduate studies