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Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center

UNeMed honors Dr. Zucker as innovator of year

Collaborators Joyce Solheim, Ph.D., and Tatiana Bronich, Ph.D., also honored, for Most Promising New Invention of 2016.

Oct 17, 2016

Irving Zucker, Ph.D.

Med center shows support at Race for the Cure

More than 80 Nebraska Medicine and UNMC colleagues and their families joined the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center team.

Oct 13, 2016

Volunteers getting ready to work at the Nebraska Medicine, UNMC and Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center sponsorship booth at the Race for the Cure.

Breast cancer focus of October Olson Center Brown Bag

Pavan Kumar Tandra, M.B.B.S., will discuss risk factors, detection and other issues.

Oct 10, 2016

Pavan Kumar Tandra, M.B.B.S.

New faculty spotlight: Jessica Maxwell, M.D.

Dr. Maxwell brings a love of patient care, teamwork to her field of breast surgical oncology.

Oct 10, 2016

Jessica Maxwell, M.D.

Cattlemen’s Ball raises more than $800,000

Funds go to cancer research at UNMC and to local health care needs of the host community.

Sep 28, 2016

This year's Cattlemen's Ball of Nebraska, which took place at the Lienetics Ranch near Princeton, Neb., raised $805,000 to go toward the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center. Left to right are Cattlemen's Ball Chairmen Will and Tory Kerns and Jane Green, Dr. Ken Cowan, 2016 Cattlemen's Ball hosts Trevor and Torri Lienemann, and Chairmen DaNay and Tim Kalkowski.

Cattlemen’s Ball raises more than $800,000

Event has raised nearly $13 million over the past 19 years

Sep 27, 2016

This year's Cattlemen's Ball of Nebraska, which took place at the Lienetics Ranch near Princeton, Neb., raised $805,000 to go toward the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center. Left to right are Cattlemen's Ball Chairmen Will and Tory Kerns and Jane Green, Dr. Ken Cowan, 2016 Cattlemen's Ball hosts Trevor and Torri Lienemann, and Chairmen DaNay and Tim Kalkowski.

Join med center team to Race for the Cure

Omaha mom shares her story of her breast cancer treatment at the med center.

Sep 27, 2016

Ashli Brehm, right, with her medical oncologist Pavankumar Tandra, M.D.

Cancer center marks new hires

A VIP reception was held for the new colleagues last week.

Sep 20, 2016

Attendees at last week's event included, from left, Mahamed Baljevic, M.D., Jessica Maxwell, M.D., Vinicius Ernani, M.D., Sarah Holstein M.D., Ph.D., Abbey Fingeret, M.D., Kelsey Klute, M.D., Kishore Challagundla, Ph.D.

Eppley’s Cindy Plate is Gold U winner

Temp job turned into stellar career for Eppley administrator.

Sep 19, 2016

Cindy Plate

Construction update

Beginning Wednesday, west access to the Lot 2 parking structure will be closed.

Sep 19, 2016