
Legislative aides tour UNMC

Visitors offered insights into UNMC cutting-edge initiatives.

Nov 9, 2015

Legislative aides visiting UNMC attend a presentation on the anamotage table. Attendees include (left-right) Adelle Burt, Lincoln, Kim Michael, program director, diagnostic medical sonography, College of Allied Health Professions, Kelly Bartling, associate vice chancellor for communications & community relations, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Christina Estrada, Lincoln, and Barb Dorn, Beatrice.

China trip enhances connections, knowledge base

Researchers, clinicians discussed treatment of infectious diseases.

Nov 4, 2015

Chinese cultural experiences were part of the trip. Here is part of the group at the Great Wall.

CDC official praises Nebraska Biocontainment Unit

“You should be proud,” he tells med center audience.

Apr 7, 2015

From left, Phil Smith, M.D., professor of internal medicine, division of infectious diseases, and medical director of the Biocontainment Unit, Jordan Tappero, M.D., and Kate Boulter, lead nurse for the Biocontainment Unit.

CDC expert to discuss U.S. response to Ebola

UNMC alum Jordan Tappero, M.D., will speak on campus Monday on “CDC’s Response to Ebola in West Africa.”

Apr 3, 2015

Jordan Tappero, M.D.

Officials to join Biocontainment Unit anniversary event

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, Rep. Brad Ashford and Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert will be among the guests Friday.

Mar 25, 2015

Biocontainment Unit team publishes protocols

Protocols are published in the March issue of the American Journal of Infection Control.

Mar 10, 2015

John Lowe, Ph.D.

Social network aids communication, collaboration

Microsoft’s Yammer can help break down siloes, aid campus communication.

Feb 25, 2015

Aaron Yoder, Ph.D., an assistant professor of environmental, agricultural and occupational health in the College of Public Health, has used Yammer to connect with other researchers.

Speaker explores war on infectious diseases

Jon Mirsalis, Ph.D., will examine new paradigms for infectious disease prevention and treatment.

Feb 17, 2015

Health care worker transported to Omaha for observation

Nebraska Medicine is not involved at this point, and the worker is showing no symptoms of Ebola.

Feb 16, 2015

Nebraska Ebola team draws presidential praise

President Barack Obama lauds Nebraska’s “world-class care” in Ebola fight.

Feb 12, 2015