
DNA from Down Under

It’s 1 o’clock in the afternoon on the first Thursday in October and there’s a delivery for research technologist James Askew in the Durham Research Center II.

Dec 18, 2012

Shelley Smith, Ph.D., demonstrates how she loads DNA samples into the Bead Express. Her team soon will begin genotyping the samples to test for “candidate genes” of language problems.

A native son’s journey to save young lives

When a child wakes with a raging fever, there’s a certain panic that charges through a parent’s heart.

Dec 18, 2012

As part of a community survey for sickle cell disease,
Stephen Obaro, M.D., Ph.D., takes blood samples from
children living in Gwantu, Nigeria, during a visit last
year. Sickle cell disease is a common, inherited blood
disorder that increases susceptibility to certain types
of serious bacterial infections.