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Parkinson’s disease may have met it’s match
Instead of discovering an entirely new drug for a disease, researchers sometimes find that an existing drug can have positive effects on a different disease. That’s what UNMC researchers did. In a breakthrough discovery, they found that an existing chemotherapy drug may have restorative, even curative, effects on Parkinson’s disease (PD) – a disease that […]
Sep 20, 2017

If you open your mind, Oh, the thinks you will find Lining up to get loose! For the second year in a row, Camp Munroe Theater Company participants, ages 6 to 25, delighted an audience with a summer theater production – "Oh, the Thinks You Can Think." Yes, think – think right over the brink. […]
Sep 20, 2017

Scientist laureate builds research bridge
Tammy Kielian goes where the research
leads her.
Mar 31, 2017

Heiser name lives on in fitness facility
Nick Heiser, M.D., assistant professor of anesthesiology and 2008 UNMC graduate, remembers that his family was always active. Hiking, biking, sports were just what the Heisers did. But among Nick’s favorite memories was watching his father drive up after work for early-evening pick-up basketball games in the driveway. His father, also a physician, would get […]
Mar 31, 2017

Find your ‘wow’ moment at the Nebraska Science Festival
There was the time – during our science night at Werner Park – that a young boy who stood waist high to a cardiologist, lobbed question upon question about the heart surgery he once had. All while the two walked through a giant inflatable heart. Another time, there was a pint-sized girl whose white coat […]
Mar 31, 2017

Boosting America’s Health Security
In 2015, more than a dozen American aid workers in Sierra Leone were flown home to be monitored for Ebola. None got sick, but, for three weeks, they stayed in Omaha, Bethesda, Md., and Atlanta near hospitals with special isolation units in case they did. Now, thanks to a $19.8 million award from the U.S. […]
Mar 31, 2017

Ebola’s lesson – more research
When the Ebola outbreak overwhelmed health care resources in Africa and challenged them in the U.S., research on the virus was quite limited. Little was known in 2014 and there was no vaccine. Researchers were frantic to catch up. Since then, UNMC has rewritten the book on patient care and the use of personal protective […]
Mar 31, 2017

Health of farmers and ranchers priority for cs-cash
Robert "Brent" Crandall, D.O., treats minor to catastrophic injuries due to farm machinery and livestock. "It breaks my heart when kids come in," said Dr. Crandall, medical director of the emergency department at the Kearney Regional Medical Center. Many of the farm-related injuries he sees are from all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents – an average of […]
Mar 31, 2017

Clinical trials now available to children’s statewide
When it comes to medical treatment, children are not small adults. But many times, pediatricians make decisions based on results from clinical research in adults, said Jessica Snowden, M.D., associate professor of pediatric infectious diseases at UNMC and Children’s Hospital & Medical Center. "Children are very different from adults," Dr. Snowden said. "They have different […]
Mar 31, 2017