College of Pharmacy

Hampton students team for research at UNMC

Program was part of the 2014-15 Collaborative Undergraduate Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Student Summer Training Program Award.

Aug 14, 2015

Photo cutline: From left, Dr. Mahato, with visiting Hampton University students Leslie Harden, Brianne Jennings, Duc Ha, Rachel Walker, Sequoyah Bennett and UNMC postdoctoral researcher Rinku Dutta, Ph.D.

UNMC, Peru State expand rural opportunities program

Partnership in Rural Health Opportunities Program to include clinical laboratory science, physical therapy, physician assistant and radiography professions.

Jul 31, 2015

Kyle Meyer, Ph.D.

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Jul 24, 2015

Jonathan Vennerstrom, Ph.D.

First Health Professions Career Day a success

Event was aimed at underserved teens from North and South Omaha.

Jul 24, 2015

Students and educators from Omaha Public Schools meet with UNMC staff in the simulation lab as part of the university's first Health Professions Career Day.

Education council eyes technology’s impact

Leaders discuss the iEXCEL initiative and its impact on the educational mission.

Jul 1, 2015

Attendees at the Education Council Strategic Planning Retreat in June.

Employees celebrate years of service

Which UNMC employee, at her 45th anniversary, set her sights on reaching 50? Click the link to see.

Jun 30, 2015

From left: UNMC employees Sue Pope, Joan Hill, Barbara Goodman and Jeanne Ferbrache.

UNMC announces dean’s list for spring 2015 semester

Includes nursing, pharmacy, dentistry and allied health students.

Jun 29, 2015

Ask UNMC: Benefits of multivitamins

“Should I be taking a multi-vitamin, and when is the best time to take it?” (Featuring Ally Dering-Anderson, Pharm.D., UNMC College of Pharmacy)

May 28, 2015

College of Pharmacy honors preceptors

New award, Preceptor Site of the Year, is added to annual honors.

May 27, 2015

At right, Caroline Jamison, Pharm.D., 2015 College of Pharmacy class president, presented Preceptor of the Year awards to, from left, Drs. Joy Beranek and Staci Hubert of Ashland Pharmacy.

Pharmacy, physical therapy grads are pioneers

First enrollees in Shanghai Sino-U.S. Health Science Initiative graduate.

May 26, 2015

Yimei Huang, Pharm.D., left and Xin Zhang, M.D., D.P.T.