College of Medicine

Aurora students visit UNMC to prepare for international competition

Leave with better understanding of pharmaceutical field

Jun 6, 2012

The students from the Aurora Public Schools with the UNMC faculty who helped them learn about the pharmaceutical field.

UNMC History 101 — Dr. Milroy and his disease

Learn about William Forsyth Milroy, M.D., the only UNMC faculty member to have a disease named for him.

Jun 5, 2012

Campus invited to a pair of events on Grand Rounds calendar

A seminar on health care inequality and sexual orientation and a meeting about NeuroAIDS are among the offerings on the Grand Rounds and Seminars calendar.

Jun 1, 2012

UNMC for the record

UNMC is lauded as a safe workplace. Pediatric physicians receive awards for education efforts. A nursing Ph.D. receives special scholarship.

May 25, 2012

Curing cancer with a pill – Dr. Holyoke’s story

Watch a video to see how a trial drug prescribed at UNMC’s hospital partner cured a med center alumnus’ stomach cancer.

May 24, 2012

UNMC to offer FallProof! class for seniors

Falls the leading cause of injury and death for those over 65

May 24, 2012

UNMC students to perform summer rotations in communities across Nebraska

UNMC students are spending part of their summer doing rural rotations with health professionals across Nebraska.

May 24, 2012

Med students conduct rotations in Traditional Chinese medicine

Learn how four medical students were able to see Traditional Chinese medicine blend seamlessly with modern medicine during recent rotations in Shanghai.

May 21, 2012

Meet UNMC Distinguished Scientist Pawel Ciborowski, Ph.D.

He wants to find biomarkers for diseases and hates pizza with anchovies.

May 21, 2012

A surgeon for a day (and that’s probably long enough)

While at UNMC on Friday for the monthly Board of Regents meeting, UNL student regent Eric Kamler got to try his hand on a surgical simulator. So how did he do? Um, well, read for yourself. (And be glad he’s not your surgeon.)

May 21, 2012