College of Medicine

Student spotlight: Meet Joshua Gruhl

Medical student left career in finance to pursue health care.

Apr 10, 2015

Joshua Gruhl

UNMC HOSA students show skills at state meeting

UNMC’s HOSA chapter offers a path to begin medical journey.

Apr 10, 2015

Members of the UNMC HOSA chapter.

Wilson Lecture on April 22 to explore wit, genius, madness in medicine/arts

Mark Vonnegut, M.D., son of famous author, will recount his personal challenges

Apr 10, 2015

Mark Vonnegut, M.D.

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Apr 10, 2015

From left, Jonathon Sample, simulation associate, John Adams, Ph.D., associate professor, College of Public Health health services research and administration, Paul Paulman, M.D., professor of family medicine and faculty development coordinator Linda Love examine portable ultrasound equipment and a simulation model at the Education Technology Collaboration meeting held earlier this month.

WE CAN Cure-a-Thon begins today

Two-day event will support research and patient care at the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

Apr 9, 2015

An artist's rendering of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

Stem cell research focus of Lincoln Science Cafe

Speaker at April 13 event will explore potential treatment options using stem cells.

Apr 9, 2015

State praises SHARING Clinics as golf event nears

SHARING the Green Golf Tournament on April 17 will be part of state-recognized “SHARING Clinics Week.”

Apr 8, 2015

Dr. Smith, McClane to lead women, pediatric services

Announcements are part of the next phase of strategic planning work.

Apr 8, 2015

Drs. Britigan and Khan to attend White House event

Two UNMC deans invited to lend their expertise regarding climate change education.

Apr 8, 2015

CDC official praises Nebraska Biocontainment Unit

“You should be proud,” he tells med center audience.

Apr 7, 2015

From left, Phil Smith, M.D., professor of internal medicine, division of infectious diseases, and medical director of the Biocontainment Unit, Jordan Tappero, M.D., and Kate Boulter, lead nurse for the Biocontainment Unit.