College of Medicine
Conference inspires future mental health professionals
Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska (BHECN) Conference draws 48 undergrads to UNMC.
May 29, 2015

High School Alliance class graduates
Fifty-nine high school students completed program this month.
May 28, 2015

MMI staffer has personal experience of organization’s commitment to excellence.
May 28, 2015

UNMC student lands national AMA fellowship
Alicia Smith will serve as the American Medical Association’s Government Relations Advocacy fellow.
May 26, 2015

Registration open for Gifford-Truhlsen conferences
The Truhlsen Eye Institute will host the 2015 Gifford-Truhlsen Research and Clinical Conferences Thursday and Friday.
May 26, 2015

Dr. Mikuls to speak as part of VA Research Week
Ted Mikuls, M.D., will discuss “Rheumatoid Arthritis: Lessons Learned from U.S. Veterans.”
May 21, 2015

Under the Microscope: Devin Nickol, M.D.
Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, which Dr. Nickol co-edits, serves people on the front lines of IPE.
May 21, 2015

Speaker explores gender disparities
Lilly Marks, vice president for health affairs at the University of Colorado, speaks to UNMC’s Women’s Mentoring Group.
May 20, 2015