College of Medicine

Internal medicine research awards announced

Department recognized seven individuals for research accomplishments.

Jun 18, 2015

Award winners, shown here with department chair Debra Romberger, M.D., are (front row from left) Carol Casey, Ph.D., R. Jennifer Cavalieri, and Brian Coburn, M.D./Ph.D. student, and (back row from left) Apar Kishor Ganti, M.D.; Dr. Romberger, Bryant England, M.D., and Murali Ganesan, Ph.D. (Sarah Bligh, M.D., is not pictured).

Lookin’ at U – Kim Morrison

Human resources associate makes mark with PEN.

Jun 18, 2015

Kim Morrison

Group hopes to increase LGBT visibility at UNMC

UNMC Pride Alliance will participate in Saturday’s 2015 Heartland Pride event.

Jun 18, 2015

Matthew Follett, president of the UNMC Pride Alliance

Dr. Kielian, UNeMed ink deal with pharma company

New licensing agreement aims to further develop a promising gene therapy approach to combatting Juvenile Batten disease.

Jun 17, 2015

Tammy Kielian, Ph.D., left, and her niece, Olivia

Cattlemen’s Ball draws more than 4,000 attendees

Annual event raises money for the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, other programs.

Jun 17, 2015

Cattlemen's Ball attendees signed one of the beams to be used in the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center construction.

Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center spotlighted

Center director Kenneth Cowan, M.D., Ph.D., is interviewed in a Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium “member spotlight.”

Jun 16, 2015

Kenneth Cowan, M.D., Ph.D., director of Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center

Relay for Life entries, T-shirts still available

Today is the last day to order T-shirts for the June 27 event.

Jun 16, 2015

UNMC establishes Nebraska’s first physical medicine, rehabilitation department

Department, partnership with Madonna address critical gap in post-acute care in Midwest

Jun 16, 2015

A rendering of the Madonna rehab and long-term care hospital at Village Pointe in Omaha, set to open in 2016. It will serve as the primary training site for a UNMC-supported residency program in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Physical medicine/rehab department a first for state

Department, partnership with Madonna address critical gap in post-acute care in Midwest.

Jun 15, 2015

Brad Britigan, M.D., dean of UNMC College of Medicine

Super capes for super kids

Lab employees deliver capes for pediatric patients at Nebraska Medicine.

Jun 15, 2015

A little hero gets her cape last week at Nebraska Medicine-The Nebraska Medical Center.