College of Medicine

HIV/AIDS expert Robert Gallo, M.D., to speak at UNMC

Robert Gallo, M.D., pioneering HIV/AIDS researcher, will deliver inaugural Carol Swarts, M.D., Distinguished Lecture on Nov. 18.

Nov 11, 2015

Students receive grants for e-learning projects

Number of approved projects show interest is rising among faculty, staff.

Nov 10, 2015

Students who attended the E-Learning Awards ceremony last week.

LCME honors Dr. Gold for outstanding service

The Liaison Committee for Medical Education’s award recognizes individuals who have helped improve medical education in North America.

Nov 9, 2015

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

Legislative aides tour UNMC

Visitors offered insights into UNMC cutting-edge initiatives.

Nov 9, 2015

Legislative aides visiting UNMC attend a presentation on the anamotage table. Attendees include (left-right) Adelle Burt, Lincoln, Kim Michael, program director, diagnostic medical sonography, College of Allied Health Professions, Kelly Bartling, associate vice chancellor for communications & community relations, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Christina Estrada, Lincoln, and Barb Dorn, Beatrice.

UNMC for the record

News and notes from the UNMC community.

Nov 6, 2015

Library hopes to make some ‘Friends’ at event

Thursday’s Friends of the Library meeting features displays and presentations — and is open to all.

Nov 6, 2015

The MocGoogan Library's John Schleicher displays a book by a French midwife that is one of the jewels of the rare book collection. It will be on display at the Friends of the Library meeting next week.

Radiology chair leads emergency medicine search

Craig Walker, M.D., will chair committee seeking a new chair for the UNMC Department of Emergency Medicine.

Nov 6, 2015

Craig Walker, M.D.

LCME gives College of Medicine full accreditation

Liaison Committee on Medical Education has accredited the college through 2022.

Nov 6, 2015

Brad Britigan, M.D., dean of the UNMC College of Medicine

Tobacco dependence focus of Nov. 17 presentation

Jill Selzle, a tobacco treatment specialist, will speak at the next Olson Center Brown Bag.

Nov 5, 2015

Jill Selzle

Priscilla Phillips is October Gold U winner

Pediatric cardiology administrator displays excellence in every aspect of her job.

Nov 5, 2015

Priscilla Phillips