College of Medicine

Orthopaedic research relocating to new lab space

Team to move to a 4,100-square-foot laboratory space in the Lauritzen Outpatient Center & Fritch Surgery Center.

Oct 20, 2016

Hani Haider, Ph.D.

Exploring virus as delivery system for gene therapy

Tammy Kielian, Ph.D., collaborators, publish study in The Journal of Neuroscience.

Oct 19, 2016

From left, Tammy Kielian, Ph.D., and her lab: Maria Burkovetskaya, Nikolay Karpuk, Ph.D., Rachel Fallet, Megan Bosch, and Amy Aldrich. Not pictured: Jessica Odvody.

Pamela Buffett inducted into Central’s Hall of Fame

Buffett is the lead donor on the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center.

Oct 18, 2016

Pamela Buffett, right, with her husband, the late Fred Buffett

UNeMed honors Dr. Zucker as innovator of year

Collaborators Joyce Solheim, Ph.D., and Tatiana Bronich, Ph.D., also honored, for Most Promising New Invention of 2016.

Oct 17, 2016

Irving Zucker, Ph.D.

Night for Sight celebration set for Oct. 28

“An Evening Unmasking Blindness” is theme for event at Joslyn Art Museum.

Oct 17, 2016

HRSA grant will help children in underserved areas

The Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska and the Munroe-Meyer Institute will provide training for clinical counselors to address the behavioral health needs of children.

Oct 17, 2016

Joe Evans, Ph.D., BHECN associate clinical director

Cannabidiol is topic of Tuesday’s Science Cafe

Deepak Madhavan, M.D., will discuss cannabidiol and its potential clinical use in treating patients suffering from epilepsy.

Oct 17, 2016

$300,000 grant to fund behavioral health internship training in underserved

The one-year grant will support stipends for 21 counseling interns from these four graduate counseling programs.

Oct 17, 2016

Spinoff company may aid research efforts

Partnership with the state may help advance David Oupicky, Ph.D.’s cancer-treatment research.

Oct 14, 2016

David Oupicky, Ph.D.

Successful Opioid Summit Held in Omaha

Focus on prevention, treatment, and law enforcement

Oct 14, 2016